
发布时间:2022-11-30 02:03:08 阅读:122 点赞:0

关于”用写名人“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Wte celebties in English。以下是关于用写名人初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte celebties in English

Abraham Lincoln was born in a cabin in Kentucky when he was a little boy. His family moved to the border of Indiana. His mother told him to read and wte.

Lincoln had little formal education, but he became one of the most educated people in the western region. When Lincoln was young, his family moved to Illinois, and he had to make a living at a very young age, But in his spare time, he studied law, and soon became one of the most famous lawyers in Spngfield, the capital of Texas. It was here that Lincoln of Illinois debated with Stephen Douglas on the issue of slavery.

Lincoln was elected president of the United States. He was the candidate of the new Republican . This party opposed the establishment of new slave states soon after his election, and some Southern States withdrew fm the union The southern confederacy of the United States was established.

This action tggered a terble civil war that lasted fm to. In this document, Lincoln issued the famous "emancipation declaration". Lincoln announced that all slaves in the states that had separated fm the Union would be liberated fm it.

After the war, the 13th Amendment was added to the constitution of the United States. This amendment ended slavery thughout the United States. Shortly after the end of the civil war, the South was defeated by the north, and Lincoln was shot dead by an actor named John Wilkes Booth.

The president died in Apl, and the world lost one of the grea men of all time.





If there is anything special about my community, it is that there is a betiful orchard, all the residents are good neighbors, away fm the cwded traffic flow, this community is also a peaceful and quiet place, I can still imagine how I spent my childhood happily. In addition to playing noisy ball s on the gund, o children also played in the trees in the orchard, picking any fruit we could. We all have o own pets, such as dogs and guinea pigs.

In those years, we were pigeons and n quick fends. O parents often gather in a place to chat after dinner. O children are attentive listeners, n though we don't really understand what they are saying.

They're nr hard on o kids. O next neighbor, Mr. Swann, is habitually liked by us to send us cooks.

O own grandmother is a good storyteller, and o children are often fascinated by her fascinating stoes. Mr. Zhang is also an unforgettable character.

Whenr we see him sing, his baby face and soft voice make us happy. This is my neighbor, an independent world, which has not changed for many years. It's good to live here, and my neighbors will certainly agree with me.






Jay Chou, in January sound, is a Taiwan Mandan pop singer, famous musician, music creator, composer, ly and music pducer, Javier, the boss of a company, director in recent years, involved in the film industry. Jay Chou is the most revolutionary pop music and creative benchmark "Asian singer" in Asia many years later. He Chuang, the king of pop, said thugh oginal music The theme, formed in Asia's music mateal, integrated diversity to a vaety of styles of songs, especially in hip-hop or R & B, the most famous Chinese pop music, is the traditional "Chinese style".

Jay Chou bke the staant situation of Asian pop elders and opened a new page for Asian pop music.



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