
发布时间:2023-11-03 02:39:05 阅读:51 点赞:0

关于”为盲人公共设施“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Public facilities for the blind。以下是关于为盲人公共设施雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Public facilities for the blind

The rapid dlopment of o society has csed many pblems, especially the pollution and destruction of the natal envinment. It is very necessary for us to take meases to impve o living envinment and prnt the destruction of o earth. There are some useful ways.

First of all, we should keep the vers clean, becse water is very important. Planting trees is good. It s to impve the air condition.

Third, we should try o best to ptect the endangered animals, becse they are o fends on o planet. We must love o envinment. O planet can think of many ways to We, if we try, the earth needs us, we have to think and act.




A blind man, blonde and brave, walks into a bar and pats the man next to him, saying that hewera heard a blonde joke. The man said to the blind man, "I'm blonde. The man behind me is a pound pfessional wrestler.

He's blonde. The bodyguard is blonde. The man sitting on yo left is also blonde.

He wants to talk about the gold Who is the blind man? Silence for a moment, and then sesnaki doesn't want to explain it five times.




communal facilities http://wwwminglangorg/paper/dancihtmltraffic Guide to rules postmark stop lights traffic lights tomatic traffic lights on green lights amber lights traffic back boxes traffic police simulate one-way double white lines o lane zebra cssing marking xiliary o lane traffic bicycles can only travel in one direction when wet and steep mountain ad cve cve ad bend ad bend ad o way bend Branch Road Slope ad intersection.



标签: 加拿大英文名  女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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