
发布时间:2023-12-01 04:15:06 阅读:36 点赞:0

关于”即将毕业“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:About to graduate。以下是关于即将毕业小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About to graduate

Dear teachers: I will graduate fm pmary school and enter secondary school. Thank you for teaching me for so many years. I will remember that you tght me.

I would like to work hard when I was in pmary school. I will repay you as you often say. What I want to see most is that XXX and XXX will nr come back.




Dear Mr. Black, I am wting to ask if there is any vacancy in yo company. I enclose my resume for yo reference.

The nate of my degree pgram makes me qualified for this position. It involves a lot of basic skills, which requires initiative, self motivation and a wide range of skills. A cose, demon behavior, and understanding of the industry are essential.

I find this topic very exciting. I am a fast and accate wter with a keen eye for details. I should be very grateful for the opportunity to Report I am able to take up the responsibility of this position immediately and have the enthusia and determination to ense that I thank you for taking the time to consider this application, and I look forward to heang fm you in the near fute.




Everything is determined by the way you say it. For example, you may miss a ctical and important opportunity to cry fm yo heart, but if you think the other way, just as you may have a better chance next time, a ile will appear immediately to you. It is very important to have a positive view becse of a firm heart and a stng dream It will give you irresistible confidence and give you hope without giving up.

If you are thinking negatively, you will encounter tubles and headaches.



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