
发布时间:2023-05-27 13:16:21 阅读:97 点赞:0

关于”学期总结“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Term summary。以下是关于学期总结初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Term summary

Time flies, the first semester of freshman is over, time flies quickly, soon we spent a semester together, we lgh together, fight together, fight together, psue yo dream together, what youth bngs us is the joy of harvest, the old year has passed, we recall the past, we spse you will not forget to come early, we will not forget the national day ile We will not forget that happy Chstmas, we will not forget the fendship beeen us. Looking back in the past, I remember the day when I first came to Hunan Vocational and technical college. No wonder people often say that the sun is flying.

I summed up the fo aspects of study, life, thought and activity in the university this semester. I overcame the pblem fm high school All kinds of changes to the University, ry aspect has achid satiactory results, but also let me realize the difference beeen high school study and university study life. My clasates and I get along well with each other, each other, care for each other, do things by oselves, and form a good moral thought of independence, self-care and independence.

The school has different theme lectes ry week, which also makes me fm each other On the one hand, I have learned a lot of culte and impved my self-cultivation activities. I am a quiet person. In college community activities and class activities, students often hold activities.

On the one hand, they can exercise themselves, on the other hand, we can show o skills and talents. In this regard, I generally seldom participate in school activities, but in class or activities China is active.




In the last semester, I learned a lot of things, I learned a lot of new knowledge, such as how to wte Chinese papers, how to speak English. Mathemati ed me to have a stct logic about my life. I learned how to get along with people.

I also learned some life skills. In short, I will do better in the new semester.




My English learning summary time passed quickly. It was almost the end of my sopho year. I asked myself what you have done in the past o years? A few days ago, did you make pgress ry day? I just wte a blog.

The topic was: if you were a freshman, what would I do? It seems that I missed a lot of good things, which should be much better. But it is meaningless to regret what we didn't get, but to look forward to the fute and learn fm the past. I think I spent most of my time in school focusing on my study.

I think textbooks, such as a new English cose, are outdated and bong. But then I really find that there are too many things I don't well. Why don't I try to be patient, just like the new concept English III is not as interesting as o textbooks, but ry time I recite these classic paragraphs I am really immersed in it, which sounds a bit strange, but this is really my inner voice before I entered the University.

I guess the most disgusting occupation is to be a teacher, especially an English teacher. Well, this is my lucky choice for English teaching major in my life. I am and interested in English.

Now, the only thing I want to do is to achi a higher ll of English learning. English is just one kind of English Tool life is so betiful and happy that I shouldn't waste all my time on grammar and vocabulary. But to appreciate it, I know that it takes a lot of time and ener to achi this goal.

I have been working hard. I am fascinated by English speech and enjoy the pcess of wting scpts and the feeling on stage. Once I prepare for the intermediate and advanced interpretation examinations wholeheartedly, I can be very self-confident Howdy told anyone that I have not wasted time in the past o years, but I just hope I can do better.

I know that my interest in English is later than some of my peers, so I still have a long way to go. I know that I have confidence in the coming final exam. I beli I will try my best to do them well.

At the same time, I have finished my summer vacation Thank you, English. You ed me to meet many interesting teachers and fends. I nr know what I will get on the way to the peak of English learning.

Thank you, Richard. Thank you for reading one of my long, bad articles. Thank you for yo ding the year.



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