
发布时间:2024-01-02 14:37:40 阅读:44 点赞:0

关于”体育商业化“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Sports commercialization。以下是关于体育商业化托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Sports commercialization

Whether education should be commercialized, whether education should be commercialized with the rapid dlopment of economy, education has the trend of commercialization, people begin to associate education with money, and think that education can bng benefits. People hold different attitudes towards this phenomenon. Some people think that education should be commercialized, becse in the economy, rything should be linked with money.

Otherwise, it will not catch up with the dlopment of society, but will fall behind. Some people oppose this view. They think that the function of education is to educate young people, them acquire knowledge and them gw up.

If education becomes a reality, it may mislead me. Education should maintain its oginal pnciple, that is, education can only dlop society in a correct way.





In recent years, campus music has been gradually commercialized. More and enterpses are interested in becoming sponsors of University Music Festival or campus singer award competition. Campus singers and songs are no longer limited to university campuses, but are gradually intduced to the .

The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows: on the one hand, some enterpses attach importance to campus music becse of their sense of responsibility to the society Hope to establish a healthy corporate image in fnt of the public; on the other hand, entertainment ing is very popular nowadays. Enterpses hope to impve their populaty and influence thugh entertainment activities. Students, as the focus of attention of the whole society, are a good choice for these enterpses.

Of cose, these music activities bng opportunities for campus singers to show their talents to the public Campus songs have also been widely spread. The commercialization of campus music has reduced its uniqueness due to fame and wealth to a certain extent. Some campus singers have gradually lost their own style in order to cater to the taste of the public.

Therefore, in order to make the campus music dlop healthily, both the orizers of music activities and o campus singers should give Focus on music itself, not pfit.




The quality of College English teaching is one of the important factors that affect the ll of English education. There are too many factors of commercialization of teaching mateals, which lead to a sees of pblems in the pcess of publication and distbution, especially the psuit of dependence on technolo and the neglect of the construction of textbook content. The output effect does not match the requirements of the syllabus, which can not meet the needs of teaching quality..



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