
发布时间:2024-04-15 13:03:34 阅读:13 点赞:0

关于”好构架“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Good architecte。以下是关于好构架托福英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Good architecte

My name is XX. I'm old this year. My hobby is reading, drawing and playing s.

My specialty is painting. My fends always praise my painting. At that time, I was really pud of myself.

Another interesting fact is that I found myself as a gifted boy. I only played comr s for one month, but beat my clasates who had played for many years. Haha, howr, when I was addicted to it, I was really pud of myself When I was playing comr s, my grades also dpped rapidly.

So I decided to stop playing comr s and concentrate on my study. This is me, me and myself.




How to use a dictionary when you read English, you may often come acss a new word. What is the best way to know it? You can look it up in an English Chinese dictionary. It will tell you a lot about the word, pnunciation and part of speech.

First of all, all English words are arranged in alphabetical order in the dictionary. You can first see the words beginning with the letter A, then B, C, D and E It means that if there are o words, "desert" and "La", "desert" must be before "pull". If both words start with the same letter, you can start with the second letter, and then the third and foth letter.

For example, "forgiveness" is before "plough", and "judent" is before "justice". So you know how to look up words in the dictionary I hope you can use it as much as possible in yo English study.




You can beli that a boy about o years old is a of advice on love relationships. This interesting incident happened in the United States when a little boy was doing business on the street. He made only one dollar per person.

Of cose, people don't come to seek advice. They just need a good listener. Most people are frustrated today.

In public, powerful people are in charge of rything. He is flash Bght stars like to be followed by others, while most people have less chance to express themselves. Sometimes they need to listen to their inner voice.

That's why little boy's business is favored. Being a good listener can us learn something. Once a celebty says that a good listener is not only popular in all places, but also knows after a peod of time Things when we learn to understand how other people feel about the same nt, we start to think about the way we deal with it, whether I'm too forced or too forced, I forget about others, so that we can handle things better next time.



标签: 欧洲英文名  女孩英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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