
发布时间:2023-06-28 09:50:18 阅读:42 点赞:0

关于”有金钱“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Have money。以下是关于有金钱专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Have money

If I had a few million dollars, I would donate most of it to the poor like Bill Gates. I would build a new school for most of the poor children to go to school. I would travel nd the world becse I prefer to travel.

I would buy myself a all house in the country so that I could gw my own flowers and grass and live a happy life.




Chinese attitudes toward love and marage are changing, with people postponing marage for economic reasons: no money, no marage; housing, savings and income are top issues for than% of the women interviewed. Gong Haiyan, founder of centy Jiayuan, one of China's largest marage websites, said Gong Hai, founder of centy Jiayuan, one of China's largest marage websites "Of cose, a woman can do it on her own, but it can be faster with a man," Yan said Howr, the number of wealthy Chinese people who want to get mared this year is predicted by Marott's report that the number of wealthy men who want to get mared to a wealthy family this year is going to dp when marageable Bars, restrants, ceremonies and pvate clubs learn how to behave in expensive restrants, learn formal party dress codes, no matter how much you love his money.




I think no one will say that money is not important, becse there are some things that human beings need, such as food, shelter, medical care and these things. But if one has enough money to support his life and pay for the basic necessities of life, is it important to have money? And yo life will impve with the amount of money? Undeniably, money can buy a lot of things, maybe you don't need a lot of money Come and buy a humble home, but if you want to live in a nice big apartment on a nice block, or if you want to buy a house, if people are cwded in a all kitchen, it will make each other uneasy, if a mared couple can't share a om with their parents, if the children don't allow a little pvacy of their own besides, fm life It's good to have a little fun, and a little fun fm time to time. Unfortunately, in modern cities, a lot of interesting things are expensive.

For example, on any night, good performers appear on the stage of nightclubs and concerts. In addition, you can eat food fm all over the world in restrants. So, in the modern city, many people don't have fun, they don't have money to use all these scenic spots.

So, money is the ad to happiness. Isn't it really big? Many people work ry day, work overtime, work on weekends and make a lot of money. If they are happy, they don't have time to socialize or maintain fendship, and they don't have time to enjoy their life - ryone will think about it "If I had a lot of money, I would," he's the hst person in the world.

"But it's important to remember that money is only a means to an end, not an end itself.


我想,没人会说钱不重要,因为有些东西人类需要食物、住所、医疗和这些东西,但是如果一个人有足够钱来维持生活,支付基生活必需品,那么拥有更多钱是否重要,而你生活会随着金钱多少而改善不可否认,钱可以买很多东西也许你不需要很多钱来买一个简陋住所,但是如果你想在一个不错街区里住一套漂亮大公寓,或者如果你想买房子,如果人们挤在一个小厨房里话,会让彼此感到不安,如果一对已婚夫妇不能和他们父母同住一个房间,如果孩子们不允许有一点自己隐私 此外,从生活中得到一点乐趣是很好,时不时地有一点乐趣不幸是,在现代城市中,许多有趣事情都是花钱,例如,在任何一个晚上,优秀表演者出现在和演唱会舞台上。此外,你可以在餐厅里吃来自世界各地食物。所以,在现代城市里,许多人并没有简单乐趣,他们没有钱去利用所有这些景点,所以,金钱是通往幸福之路不是真很大吗很多人每天工作,加班,周末工作,赚大钱如果他们高兴话‰他们没有时间去交往或维持友谊,没有时间享受自己生活-每个人都会想,“如果我有很多钱,我会,“他是世界上最幸福人”,但重要是要记住,金钱只是达到目手段,而不是目身。

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