
发布时间:2023-05-23 12:37:39 阅读:63 点赞:0

关于”写理想“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Wte ideal。以下是关于写理想xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte ideal

My dream home is located in a all town, sunded by many mountains and a all lake. The sky is blue, the air is fresh and the birds are flying in the air. There are three oms in it, a dining om, a big and bght bedom, a clean and warm study full of my favote books.

My favote om is the study, becse I like reading very much. When reading, I seem to be a visitor who follows the guide to see his world. In order to realize it, I should study hard fm now on.

I beli that if you have a will, nothing will happen difficult.




Life ideal, so it is likely to be lost in the ideal is the life navigation beacon life, without it, o life may be a confused fifth grade, the teacher praised a composition I wte in the classom, at the same time, I was very happy to lgh, I think that the lofty ideal of being home was born in my heart, my belief is: it is easy to wte hymns Although I don't deny that the ideal setting is wng, I know that at least now it is so hasty to realize that an excellent wter does not need too much praise, but he can make people wake up fm the beginning after reading his article Empty people will feel ch, those dull people will find happiness. If I can become a wter in the fute, I will whiten my life and let people find the joy of life. It is not easy for me to know.

To be a wter, I like wting culte, but I can't contl the wting all the time. I always focus on teang up the articles that have been changed sral times in the ordinary field, but I nr lose heart I beli that becse of me: I will wte better next time. Therefore, I also want to descbe my betiful life with my own words.

As a wter, I can't give up my ideal. As a wter, I can't give up my ideal. Kleilov said: "the reality is this coast.

The ideal is Faramita. The center is separated by the torrent. To realize the ideal is to build a bdge on the ver.

If you don't say it well, be a man seously." I want to learn to observe life, study hard and lay the foundation. Although I know that the ideal of this pawnshop wter may not be realized, I have no resentment or regret, and I think that the ideal of the wter may be my guiding direction.




What do I want to do when I'm old, some people want to be doctors, some people want to be basketball players becse they are good at sports, some people want to be a wter, in order to make wting a teacher, becse they like to teach children, I like playing the piano, I'm good at piano, so I want to be a steel player. Playing the piano is very interesting. You can learn some music.

Piano can make you like music a lot Musicians and singers like to play the piano. I played the piano when I was ten years old. Now I'm in my fifth year of college.

I hope that when I'm 16, I can be a big eight. I'll work harder and harder to become a piano player. But I beli I can do it.



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