
发布时间:2023-12-26 07:34:51 阅读:22 点赞:0

关于”环保题材“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Envinmental ptection theme。以下是关于环保题材中考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Envinmental ptection theme

There is only one earth () we have only one earth, but now, the envinment is getting worse. There is not enough clean water in the world for people to dnk. People in many countes have lost their lives becse of water.

People have to cut down trees for a living. Becse nothing can stop the loss of water, so we pollute the land, vers and air, so we have to face and Of floods and dughts. It's time for us to do something useful to ptect o envinment.

We can plant trees and take good care of them. We can save water and ask o parents to do it. We can't thw any rubbish on the gund.

We should collect it so that we can recycle it. The earth today will be betiful tomorw.





Envinmental pollution is a seous social pblem. It poses a seous threat to people's health. The air is filled with dust and bning oil.

There is black oke in the chimney. Many vehicles emit suffocating oke. Stay in the big city for a while, and then wipe yo forehead with a handkerchief.

It is black. Dry yo clothes. You will have to wash again.

The garbage is left behind Sanitary heaps attract flies and give off odors, which are not limited to air and land pollution. A large amount of sewage and chemical wastes are dumped into vers, lakes and seas ry day, which kills millions of fish noise. The sound of car horns, the boom of machines and the sound of badcasting may make people nervous and irtable, and n dve people crazy.

Envinmental pollution is the main cse of many disability diseases. In short, let us take good care of o earth mother, not only for o own well-being, but also for o fute generations.




Now the envinmental pblems are becoming and seous. Some places are dloping too fast. There are not enough water and there are too many people.

Hundreds of babies are born ry day, so the population is gwing. So we need and buildings. There are and garbage and factoes.

This factory is built to meet people's needs. It discharges a lot of waste water into vers, lakes and oceans Therefore, water pollution is becoming and seous. One day, we will not have enough water to use.

In order to make paper, build buildings and factoes, there is not much forest. Now people should stop cutting down trees. We should contl the birth of population.

We should not allow factoes to po waste water into vers and lakes, and then clean them, so that we and o next generation can have a better living envinment.



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