幽默又有深度的英语演讲稿_Humorous and in-depth speech 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-28 01:10:44 阅读:184 点赞:0

关于”幽默又有深度演讲稿“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Humous and in-depth speech。以下是关于幽默又有深度演讲稿考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Humous and in-depth speech

Good ning, ladies and gentlemen. I'm honored to be here to give a speech on punctuality. We all think that punctuality is very important in o daily life.

We must be punctual to establish habits for o students. We should be punctual in class and abide by o pmise. If we are late, the teacher must be angry and punish us.

Some teachers may not come in and shut you out. Otherwise, he will cticize you for facing the classom or ask you to clean the classom. Some people think that As long as a few minutes late, it doesn't matter.

We shouldn't be punished. I agree that it's impolite for teachers to punish them for being late, and we should respect o teachers. Once punished, we will nr forget and correct the same mistakes.

O lateness will affect the teacher's teaching mood and have a bad impression on you. So don't be late. Sometimes I'm late I'll say sorry for being late.

I'll try my best to avoid it. Everyone knows the meaning of being punctual. But how many people can say that it's not enough to know that I'm not late once.

So, thank you for yo action.




Humans, like all other creates, have apparently changed their envinment, but their changes are generally dramatic than those of other species. Some of these changes, such as the destruction of the world's rainforests, the pvision of paste for livestock, or the drying up of almost three-quarters of the Aral Sea, were once the world's foth largest freshwater lake for irgation, leading to changes in climate patterns, which in tn changed flora and fna Species distbution, scientists are trying to understand the long-term impact of human activities on ecos, while envinmentalists are dedicated to experts in vaous fields. Citizens of the United States and other countes are trying to reduce the impact of human activities on population gwth in the natal world.

Human population gwth may be regarded as the ot cse of almost all world envinmental pblems, with and people each year Joining the world, with the increase of population, pollution will be pduced, habitats will be destyed, and natal resoces will be consumed. Even if new technological pgress can halve the envinmental impact on ryone, once the world population is doubled, the earth will not be better than before.




Basketball is a sport, which is usually cared out in the indoor cot. A team of five players fm o teams tes to dp the ball fm one of the o baskets by thwing an inflatable ball. Due to the continuous action and frequent scong of basketball, the ball falls fm one of the o baskets.

Basketball is one of the most popular spectator and participant sports in the world One. Amecan and international basketball cots are slightly different in size. The basketball cot is a rectangular area, ranging in size fm about M × m (about ft × ft) to m × m (about M × m) (each backboard is fixed to the wall, suspended fm the ceiling, or other installation methods, and its lower edge is about the specified basketball, which is an inflatable, leather or nylon covered ball, weighing fm to grams to ounces), and the circumference About cm (about good.



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