
发布时间:2024-03-17 03:40:29 阅读:17 点赞:0



The first 50 years of the next millennium are crucial for the world's population. Population gwth should have lled off, but by then we would have a billion people, o-thirds of what we are today. Population gwth rate is a choice that we can choose now.

Howr, it is not a thing that will happen. Howr, human choice is a complex choice with many vaables, but it is still a choice. If we want to prnt population explosion, we should take action now or poor countes.

They need better government, better institutions and better labor Power and capital s, better schools, anything that increases the value of women's time and the cost of cang for children makes it less likely for women to have children, bee extended families are often seen as a safety net for disease and old age, impving access to insance for the poor, and pension and welfare institutions have a siificant impact, which can be as as ral credit, pviding a form of savings Means. Finally, for women and perhaps importantly, to pvide education for the next generation of children, these meases are necessary, but it seems that some countes are not seously trying at present, and if we can't do this, we will certainly not contl the population. They said: 'I'm not pessimistic that we're going to run out of resoces: we're pducing food faster than population gwth, but if we desty the envinment so effectively, the world will no longer be an attractive place to live, which would be a depressing result of reaching world population balance only to find that we have destyed the natal envinment in the pcess.






2:人口过剩,The first 50 years of the next millennium are crucial for the world's population. Population gwth should have stabilized, but by then we will have a billion people, o-thirds of what we are today. Population gwth rate is a choice that we can choose now, although it is not accidental, but human choice.

It is a complex choice with many vaables, but it is still a choice. If we want to prnt population explosion, we should take action now, or poorer countes to do so. They need better government, better institutions, better labor Power and capital s, better schools anything that increases the value of women's time and the cost of cang for their children makes them less likely to have children, bee extended families are often seen as a safety net for disease and old age, and impving poor people's access to insance, pensions and welfare institutions can have a siificant impact, just as as ral credit pvides a means of saving Section.

Finally, education for women and, perhaps importantly, for the next generation of children, these meases must be taken, but it seems that some countes are not seously trying at present, and if we can't do this, we will certainly not contl the population. They said: 'I'm not pessimistic that we're going to run out of resoces: we're pducing food faster than population gwth, but if we desty the envinment so effectively, the world will no longer be an attractive place to live in, which would be a depressing result of reaching world population balance only to find that we have destyed the natal envinment in the pcess/.






3:人口过剩,China's large population has become one of the most seous pblems in o society. According to a recent svey by the National Be of statisti, China's population is than 100 million. This svey also predicts that China's population will gw rapidly in the next few years.

Overpopulation first bngs a sees of negative effects on China's economic dlopment and social secuty, and too many people bng heavy bden to o envinment Secondly, we are faced with the pblem of shortage of fresh water and natal resoces. The supply of labor force greatly exceeds the demand of the society, and many people are employed. This is the ot e of social unrest.

Finally, but not least, we have to pduce a vaety of pducts to meet the needs of the people, which has ed seous envinmental pollution to the lakes and land of o country Howr, we must take some meases to solve it. On the one hand, the government should implement the family planning policy stctly so as to reduce the total population; on the other hand, ryone should be aware of the harm of overpopulation. With the joint efforts of all parties concerned, this pblem will be solved in the fute.



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