
发布时间:2024-03-02 09:25:12 阅读:197 点赞:0

关于”有关马丁路德金“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:About Martin Luther King。以下是关于有关马丁路德金xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King was one of the key leaders of the civil ghts movement in the United States fm January to Apl. As a Baptist pest, king was one of the few leading les that black people could play at that time. Early in his career, he led the Montgomery bus boycott and ed establish the Southern Chstian leader.

As the first president, his efforts led to a march in Washington, China. Here, King delivered his "I have a dream" speech, and he raised the public His understanding of the civil ghts movement made him one of the grea orators in the history of the United States, becse he ted to put an end to apartheid and racial discmination thugh civil disobedience and other means. King became the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Pze.

Non violent means mean mean mean man was awarded the presidential Medal of by President Jimmy Carter after his death in Memphis, Tennessee on Apl 4 D. Luther King Jr. was desiated a national holiday in the United States and was awarded the congressional gold medal after King's death.




I have a dream that one day this country will se up and live up to the true meaning of its creed: "we hold these truths to be self-evident: all men are d equal." When I heard Mr. Jin's speech, I also dream that all people are born equal. I know that I also have a dream that people should work together and live together like bthers.

No one will take advantage of others, work less and earn . But no, Mr. Jin's dream is still a dream, n if he has been away fm us for decades.

Look, people who have houses want to leave their houses for themselves. Although there are so many people who don't n have a om, when I hear his speech, no one will take advantage of others, but I ade him very much, becse at least he has a great dream. The equality d by all people is also mine.

I don't want to work harder to earn money and have houses People want to leave their own houses, which makes many people better to others. Many people, n though there are so many people who don't n have a om to live in, I begin to understand that I have a dream that people should work and live together like bthers. I have a dream that one day this country will se and live up to the true meaning of its creed.

My dream is that Madame will be a long-term dream. They just complain that all human beings are d equal. We will realize that, on the other hand, n after he has left us for decades, the dream is still a dream.

Over time, the king said, "we hold these truths to be self-evident, Less work, income, who has nothing, if we look at humans carefully. ".





Martin Luther King Jr., an Afcan Amecan born in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, was a pastor, social activist and civil ghts activist. Jr he graduated fm university in and continued his studies in Philadelphia on the east coast of the United States fm to. Martin Luther King met with President Lyndon Baines Johnson and asked for appval A new civil ghts law gives black people equal ghts.

Before the Lincoln Memoal, I delivered a speech entitled "I have" and "a dream." in Apl, Nobel Peace Pze winner Martin Luther King was assassinated after a stke led by Memphis, becse the U.S. government desiated the third Monday of January as king's national day, and Martin Luther King was named by Atlantic Monthly as the eighth person influencing the United States, Amecan power Wei Jonal.



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