
发布时间:2023-06-01 06:50:46 阅读:81 点赞:0




1、Eman Sofare Technolo Co. , Ltd.


2、Micsoft also has found itself left behind in sofare for cellphones.


3、Responsible for sofare UI desi;


4、These omissions reflect a trend in sofare engineeng to push implementation out of the sofare engineeng domain.


5、Locate and install depended-upon sofare.

尽管从技术上来说,要安装软件包无须遵循这一约定,但您应该确保软件包名称不与某个正式 Debian 软件包冲突。

6、Even though you technically do not need to adhere to this for yo package to install, you should be se that yo package name does not conflict with an official Debian package.


7、Meanwhile, the App Store has served

3 billion downloads and claimed 99.4 percent of the mobile-sofare .


8、Sofare upgradeable via internet



9、We in the free sofare movement don't think of the open soce camp as an enemy; the enemy is ppetary (nonfree) sofare.

IBM 试用软件:用这些试用软件您下一个项目,可直接从 dloperWorks 下载。

10、IBM tal sofare: Build yo next dlopment pject with tal sofare available for download directly fm dloperWorks.

中讯软件集团股份有限公司总部在北京,是最大软件外包和出口公司。 xx年xx月成立时,中讯致力于为买家提供外包软件和相关售后服务。

11、SinoCom was focused on pviding outsocing sofare dlopment and related after sale to Chinese buyers.


12、Simultaneously TAKKO is prepang for construction the sofare industry base, lays solid foundation for the sofare scale's dlopment.


13、Is sofare a counterexample?


14、I am a stng belir in open-soce sofare, so I decided to release it as such.

软件流程工程元模型(Sofare Pcess Engineeng Metamodel,SPEM)是正式描述软件流程标准规范。

15、Sofare Pcess Engineeng Metamodel (SPEM) is the standard specification that formally descbes the sofare dlopment pcesses.


16、Avoid shang sofare and machines.


17、After installing the package (just double-click on the .deb to do this) you can open Music Mar fm the Dash and begin configung it for uploading.

Depends 字段应该包含您软件包正常工作绝对必需任何软件包名称。

18、The Depends field should contain the name of any packages that yo package absolutely needs to work.


19、First of all, yo company is the king in the area of sofare and is well-known for its dlopment of sofare.


20、 components typically consist of hardware, sofare, data, and workers



21、Ban Goetz is a sofare consultant and has been a pfessional sofare dloper for the past Ban Goetz是一名软件顾问,过去

15 years.

15 年来他一直是一名专业软件人员。

22、The finite element pgram MSC.接着利用有限元软件MSC。

23、With this preview, the larger battle for which office suite will prevail at home, work, and in the enterpse is just beginning.有了这个预览版办公软件,微软和Google办公软件之战已经在家庭、工作和企业中吹响了号角。

24、Apache Commons dbcp and Commons pool packages -- You need the JARs fm these packages to go with yo ORM example.Apache Commons dbcp 和 Commons pool 软件包 —— 需要这些软件包中 JAR 与 ORM 示例相配合。

25、Dlop sofare iteratively and incrementally.软件迭代和增强。

英文句子26:,26、Given to the reality of DLSP, o searchers hold the opinion that this csis is a good chance for the Chinese sofare park industry to update its structe.结合大连软件园实际,我们美方软件基地研究人员认为,这次金融危机对软件园产业而言,是一次难得洗牌机遇。

27、Lingoes is an excellent dictionary sofare in Micsoft Windows Platform.灵格斯是一个优秀微软视窗平台字典软件。

28、UG rapid application desi sofare.UG 快速适用设计软件。

29、Cloud Infrastructe as a Service (IaaS).云计算软件即服务。

30、Be ctious about downloading sofare unless you know who it is fm and what it is .在下载软件时要格外小心,除非您知道该软件来自何人以及它是做何用。

31、MacArth Ob/Gyn uses sofare dloped by Sage Healthcare. The manufacter said the sofare is sece and password-ptected, and that confidential information stays confidential.妇产医院使用圣人保健公司研发软件。软件商说,这个软件很安全,受到密码保护,因此,隐秘资讯不会外泄。

32、Double click on the package name.在软件包名称上双击。

33、Simultaneously, the device dver interacts with the up layer sofare, and pvides s for them.同时,第三层交换机驱动程序还要与上层软件交互,为上层软件提供服务。

34、Jive Sofare; Social Business Sofare (S).Jive Sofare; 社会商业软件。

35、Eclipse is now the industry's major non-Micsoft sofare tool platform.Eclipse现在是业内主要非微软软件工具平台。

36、These resoces include hardware, sofare, data, and/or people.这些资源包括硬件、软件、数据和/或人。

37、Apple bought facial recoition sofare firm Polar Rose for $29 million last September.过去xx月份Apple用二千九百万美元从Polar Rose软件公司那里买来了人面识别软件。

38、In recent years, with the rapid dlopment of object-oented component sofare technolo, people have attach and importance to Component Based Sofare Dlopment(CBSD)gradually.近年来,随着面向对象组件化软件技术蓬勃发展,基于组件软件(CBSD)益受到重视。

39、It’s like that other term, legacy, that Micsoft uses to refer to all non-Micsoft sofare.这词和另外一个词“遗留”类似 - 微软用来指代所有非微软软件。

40、The phone must be POWERED ON and connected to cable, power off it when the soft tell it.手机必须开机,并和数据线连接,运行软件后软件提示你关机时关机;

41、The simulation results are compared with commercial sofare MOLDFLOW to show a pper performance.其填充模拟结果与商业软件MOLDFLOW三维模拟结果比较,证实了该软件有效。

42、PC sofare is made up on .上位机软件采用。

43、I'm hacking the soft for netting.我在设计上网软件呢。

44、Like any comr sofare, daemon sofare as a gup suffers fm a wide vaety of implementations.象任何计算机软件一样,作为一个组守护程序软件会经历各种各样实现。

45、This pblem occs not only among different sofare companies but also with sofare fm the same vendor.这一问题不仅出现在不同软件公司,也出现在来自同一厂商软件中。

46、About sofare configation mament pducts关于软件配置产品

47、On the base of the new characic of DSS and compason of sral sofare engineer technolo, we adopt "United Sofare pcess" as a dlopment pnciple of SDSS.根据DSS动态发展特,在比较了各种软件工程技术基上,提出应采用“统一软件过程”为SDSS研发软件工程指导思想。

48、Sofare quality -- Sample RFP requirements软件质量 -- RFP 需求实例

49、FTAM. one of the high ll LAN sofare dloped in accordance with OSI standard is intduced.文介绍了按开放互连国际标准局域网高层软件之


50、In p to Google’s decision to dp the app, Goveshark has re-released it to the public.为了对抗谷歌撤掉这个软件决定,Goveshark重新对大众发布了这款软件。

经典英文句子51:软件,51、Micsoft should build best-in-class iPad sofare in the Office formats.微软也应该为ipad最佳Office格式软件。

52、Lethality assesent sofare of warhead intercepting TBM is dloped based the study, and the applied example is illuminated.基此了反导战斗部毁伤评估软件,给出了评估软件应用实例。

53、These pjects include such fundamental s as Samba and Gcc as well as popular tools like Ethereal.这个工程不但包含基软件如:Samba,Gcc 同时也有流行工具软件如:Ethereal.

54、Enterpse Dves Mobile Gwth企业推动软件移动化趋势

55、Badware is sofare that fundamentally disregards a user's choice over how his or her comr will be used.恶意软件是软件,根无视用户选择如何他或她计算机将被用于。

56、Ashish Patel is a sofare architect and dlopment lead working at the IBM Tonto Sofare Lab in Canada.Ashish Patel 是位于加拿大 IBM 多伦多软件实验室软件架构师和主管。

57、Using the pfile mar, the sofare distbution pfile is d, and the sofare package is imported fm the soce host.使用档案,创建了软件发布档案,软件包从源主机导入。

58、Felix Bachmann of Sofare Engineeng Institute ( SEI) recently talked about how to effectively evaluate sofare architecte and identify sks in enterpse applications.软件工程研究所( SEI) Felix Bachmann(译者注:Felix是Jolt大奖图书《软件架构编档》作者)最近谈到了如何有效地评估软件架构、识别企业应用中风险。

59、The largest library of compatible sofare repositoes.最大兼容软件库。

60、The sofare dog is a kind of hardware set connected to PC I/O port, which ptects the commercial sofare copyght.软件加密狗是一种和PC机I/O口相连接硬件盒,它起到保护商品软件知识产权作用。

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