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关于”一般现在时“英子53个,句子主体:General present tense。以下是关于一般现在时xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:General present tense


1、If the temperate was lower than 0℃ and keep a long time, the water hyacinth would occ later and less biomass in next spng.


2、In the use of peacetime PTU company will command the streets, most people are a gup of



3、Even today I have my dghter’s minutely graded third-grade science exams, with grades like 23/25 or A minus.


4、The rash usually starts on the face and spreads to the rest of the body.


5、Now, though, we are seeing their retn for subjects such as law and medicine.


6、No, bee we used nothing than o own hands and feet and blades, " Gul'dan replied."


7、When ing the parameters for the synchnizer's capability, it usually uses the manual form.


8、The average orizer is paid $50 per ho, with individual pjects taking a full day or n sral days.


9、It can adopt localized general lighting when a certain working section needs the illumination higher than the general lighting.


10、The date of this blog is

5.19 2005, but now it is

5.23 2006. One year has gone. (bai ju guo xi)


11、Salt-loving bactea fm Death Valley and Saline Valley, Calif., howr, were just getting their pverbial second wind then, since the very same bactea still thves today.


12、For United, it was a virtuoso performance.


13、A clear conscience is usually a si of a bad memory.


14、Do not have to do this long tail, stabilized at the second page ranking, usually 11-13 names.


15、A thin white thread appeared over the hozon, in competing luminescence with the bght fingernail clipping of the moon.


16、As a rule these mateals do not show hysteresis .


17、Their appearance looks like junkyard thw-up. They are dumb as a ck.


18、Today, few ranches dve their cattle with horses, instead moving them by truck.

一般来说疝气是容易发现。 你会在腹壁皮肤上看到一个隆起;或者当你提重物、咳嗽、使劲排或排便、长时间站立或坐着时感觉到疼痛。

19、You may feel pain when you lift heavy objects, cough, strain ding ination or bowel movements, or ding plonged standing or sitting.


20、The Chinese actually have a great hesitance in general to face death as it is.

21、In the presence of closed timelike cves, though, we generally will not be able to slice -time that way.在封闭时间型曲线存在环境下,我们一般不能那样切割时空。

22、Kazim found that the girls weren't as competitive, and their style of play wasn't as fast paced or aggressive as that of the boys.发现,在打球时候,女孩子一般竞争力较弱,她们风格也不像男孩子那样迅猛而难以招架。

23、Average person eats snail, buy in the super off-the-peg , put into oven to be baked go.一般人吃蜗牛,都在超市买现成,放进烤箱一烤便行。

24、Generally oric, it comes fm oric farm where they practice sustainable,一般来说,有机食物来自于有机农场,在那它们能实现可持续,

25、Is life always this hard. or is it just when you sre a kid?是一生都这般痛苦,还是只有在童年时候?。

英文句子26:,26、4 = Usually, 一般,

3 = Frequently,

2 = Sometimes,

1 = Seldom

3 =经常,

2 =有时,

1 =很少

27、When I was a kid, university graduates were as rare as unicorns, now they are like popcorn: cheap and plentiful.当我还是小孩子时候,大学毕业生像独角兽般珍贵,现在他们却像爆米花一样:便宜并且量多。

28、General new-onset is bght red patients.一般初发时是鲜红患者。

29、In Austrlia, the possum commonly hides up a gum tree when it is being chased.在澳大利亚,负鼠被追赶时候一般都会躲在橡胶树上。

30、这种蛇活着时来是绿,但是在酒精中,黄颜首先被溶解掉了,因而呈现出现在绿松石般颜。The live ones would have been green, but in alcohol the yellow pient is the first to leach, giving them their present tquoise colo.

31、It's new years'beginning, I have to do something for instance I will be summaze for last year and will be miking the new plans.因为现在是xx年开始,现在一般总会有许多事,例如写上年总结,写新年度计划。

32、An angler fish appears to 'walk' as the ocean floor as it waits for its prey这条琵琶鱼在等待猎物时仿佛是在海底“走路”一般。

33、I have nr seen my uncle hr.我从未看到我伯父像现在这般快乐幸福。

34、The live ones would have been green, but in alcohol the yellow pient is the first to leach, giving them their present tquoise colo.这种蛇活着时来是绿,但是在酒精中,黄颜首先被溶解掉了,因而呈现出现在绿松石般颜。

35、At the same time, a new category of megacities is emerging nd the world, dwarfing anything that has come before.同时,新大城市如雨后春笋般纷纷出现在世界各地,其规模与人口量令此前一切都相形见绌。

36、In modern spoken Mandan 'wan-le' ('when finished', 'afterwards') has been grammaticalized as a discose-connecting temporal adverb though it is not listed in common dictionaes yet.“完了”在现代汉语口语中已经虚化为一个具有篇章连接能时间副词,但一般辞书还没有收列。

37、I have discovered that when the XP is a common noun or an adjective, it disallows a quantifier occng before a head noun of a DE construction.文根据汤廷池看法,进一步探讨,发现当「」前成份是形容词、或一般名词时也有同样现象。

38、The world should listen then, as I am listening now!世界将会侧耳细听, 就像我现在这般。

39、When in girlhood my heart was opening its petals, you hovered as a fragrance about it.当我在少女时代时,我心如花瓣了般盛开,你就像一股花香在四周缭绕。

40、My little mistress behaved like an angel, in coming to wait on me, and cheer my solitude: the confinement bught me exceedingly low.我小女主人表现得如天使一般,来侍候我,在我寂寞时来使我愉快。 这种禁闭使我情绪很低沉。

41、Howr, the crent Health and past as a dream-like show in fnt of you, perhaps you will come to understand at this moment!然而,当前生往事如梦境般展现在你面前时,也许你会在此刻彻悟!!!

42、The discovery of Ameca is generally referred to Columbus.一般人都说美洲是发现。

43、Generally, nearsightedness first oc in school-age children.一般来说,学龄儿童会首先出现近视眼。

44、The Thought bears both the general feates of the modernization of the crent culte and its distinctive characi of times.这一理论形成、发展和体系化一方面具有当代文化现代化进程一般特征,同时又有其自身鲜明时代特。

45、A thin white thread appeared over the hozon, in competing 24)luminescence with the bght fingernail clipping of the moon.一道纤细白线出现在天边,与一弯指甲般明月争辉。

46、In popular perception, all white-collar work is middle class.一般在公众话语中使用时,所有白领都是中产阶级。

47、Among taking natal philosophy as leading factor philosophy, the basic pblem was shown as one and , general and specific pblem, and other pblems were subordinated to it.在以自然哲学为主导哲学中,基问题一般表现为一和多、一般和个别问题,而其他问题则从属于它。

48、Plants generally take evaporation as method of decreasing temperate when lacking moiste.在缺乏水分时,植物一般用蒸发作为降温手段。

49、Fortunately, today when pull a ctain, found that the in bar radiator of gd to have some temperate.好在,今天拉窗帘时发现,那个铁方格子般暖气片竟然有了些温度。

50、Still expements discover that the GD-PR makes CO_2 enhancement in the decomposing benzene gas compared with the general gas discharge reactor.实验中还发现,气体放电-光催化反应器在处理含苯气体时,CO_2产率较一般气体放电反应器高;

经典英文句子51:一般现在时,51、In telling a story we usually follow chnological order.讲缮 故事时我们一般遵循时间(年代)顺序。

52、We are discussing the construction of a harmonious society, with regard to the general public in general, seems to be a mere slo, or some kind of fashion;我们现在谈和谐社会建设,对于一般普通大众来说,似乎仅仅是一种口号,抑或是某种时髦;

53、They were like love-birds and spent as much time together as they could.他们俩如同一对恩爱夫妻一般,尽可能多地在一起共度时光。

54、They were like 他们俩如同一对恩爱夫妻一般,尽可能多地在一起共度时光。

4)lovebirds and spent as much time together as they could.

55、Cirstratus clouds, thin white streaks of cloud, merge with fluffy balls of circumulus clouds at heights above 卷层云带有薄薄白光带,与卷积云绒毛般球团,同时出现在。

20,000 feet.

56、And the book as a whole is different fm the book received crently in separate phrases.而且书整体而言不同于书被一般承认现在在分开片语中。

57、My teacher said "While Tao get silent it is unfathomable like the abyss and peaceful like the crystal clear lake."我老师又说:「道在沉寂状态时,祂如深渊般莫测高深,也像平静湖水一般晶莹剔透。


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