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关于”解读软件“英子42个,句子主体:Interpretation sofare。以下是关于解读软件高二英子。

英文句子模板1:Interpretation sofare


1、First of all, the article intduces befly the constitution of Cme of kidnapping.


2、Physi engines free you fm having to dlop the complex sofare to implement physi and collision detection in sofare.

实现 IT 解决方案过程涉及集成并定制各种软硬件组件。

3、Implementing an IT solution involves integrating and customizing a vaety of hardware and sofare components.


4、For detailed information about the scanning sofare, refer to the Online.

FinalBuilder -自动构建和发布Windows软件解决方案。

5、FinalBuilder - An tomated build and release mament solution for Windows sofare dlopers.

派驻 为您和您软件组织提供了一个很好机会,从而可以真实地了解您软件是如何被利用。

6、Residencies pvide a pfound opportunity for you and yo sofare dlopment orization to really understand how yo sofare is being used.

现在我用一个FLASHCARDS 软件来解决这个问题。

7、Now I have solved this pblem with the of a sofare called FLASHCARDS.


8、Howr, we find SCA addressing the intcacies of component oentated sofare dlopment better.


9、The native resolution of the scanner chip and firmware;

MS0P 将解析授权或其他任何类型事件,将其解析为人类可读文。

10、MS0P will parse Authozation or any other type of nt message into human-readable text.


11、Jesper Johansson's excellent article called "Anatomy of a malware scam."

主要软件提供者使用了各种 SC 标准;然而,有效软件基石是十分清晰且容易被人理解。

12、A vaety of SC standards are in use by the main sofare pviders; howr, the foundations stones for effective sofare dlopment are clear and understood by all.


13、Commissioned after the download pcess, extract the decompression sofare.

第三方软件仓库给使我们可以获得非自由软件,例如 Adobe Reader,Skype和受限格式解码包。

14、This third-party repository gives us access to all kinds of non-free sofare such as Adobe Reader, Skype and code for restcted media formats.

在我们开始了解 Stow 之前,先让我们研究一下 软件安装,它也称作 软件包。

15、Before getting acquainted with Stow, let's first take a look at sofare installation mament, also known as package mament.


16、Understand the concepts of sofare "best practices" and when they apply.


17、Two different appaches are descbed: one sofare-based solution and one hardware-based solution.


18、We have seen a number of fundamental shifts in the way sofare practitioners perceive sofare-intensive solutions.


19、A new appach was pposed which eliminated the coupling effect by sofare means.


20、The solution may involve consulting s and hardware and sofare pducts.

21、Green sofare code can be operational.绿软件,解压即可运行。

22、They are accessed in read-only mode by staff resolution plug-ins.它们由人员解析件以只读模式访问。

23、Very regretful is, yo mistake unscrambled Mioft and the pperty that Yahoo talks.非常遗憾是,你们错误解读了微软与雅虎会谈质。

24、On ASN , wireless communications, sofare dlopers need to understand the data.介绍ASN ,是无线通信软件者必须要了解资料。

25、And the fact that these payment apps can sit within messaging apps means you can settle bills without n interrupting yo gup chat.而且因为这些支付软件是归于聊天软件之下,那就意味着你可以不打断群聊就解决好账单。

英文句子26:,26、Appliances are generally easier to use than creating similar solutions fm general ppose hardware and sofare becse the hardware and all required sofare come together as one pposed solution.与从通用硬件和软件创建类似解决方案相比,设备通常使用起来更方便,因为硬件和所有所需软件全作为一个专用解决方案提供。

27、Engineeng computing pblems are solved by sofare MATHCAD.文介绍使用数学软件MATHCAD解决工程计算问题;

28、Usually virus scanners require only one parameter - the name of folder containing unpacked files.通常病毒扫描软件需要至少一个参数 ?包含解药文件文件夹名字。

29、As enterpses are looking at sofare-as-a- (SaaS) solutions, Mioft has ented LitewareHR, their SaaS reference application, to include the Sofare + Services (S+S) model.因为越来越多企业开始关注“软件即服务(SaaS)”解决方案,微软给 他们SaaS参考应用,LitewareHR,增加了包含软件+服务(S+S)模型新能。

30、The app also includes illustrations and definitions of common patholo report terms.该软件还可以提供常见病理报告图示和解释。

31、Fo-order-Runge-Kutta method is used to com the differential equations.该软件中对微分方程组求解采用四阶龙格-库塔法。

32、The resolving solution for general ppose ATS is pvided by COM technolo, which is important technique reference cteon for fute sofare desi.COM技术为通用ATS软件设计提供了解决方案,是未来软件设计重要技术参考标准。

33、You can swap files fm ROM to ROM by unzipping them and checking out the folder contents.您可以互换文件从光盘只读存储器解压,并该文件夹内容。

34、Authentication, thozation, pvacy, integty, and non-reputation are the major secuty components of sofare or a sofare-based solution working over the neork.在通过网络运行软件或软件解决方案中,身份验证、授权、私密、完整和不可否认是主要安全组件。

35、Therefore, the main challenge will be sofare that fulfils the needs of adaptive, context-aware, personalized s and solutions.那么,主要将是软件,实现自适应,环境敏感,个化服务和解决方案软件。

36、I show my respect to those who could decode Mioft's sofare and share it with others.'我向对微软软件进行解码并与其他人共享那些人表示敬意。

37、It has found a few niche, black-and-white applications in mobile phones and "electnic books" such as Sony's Reader and Amazon's Kindle.据了解,电子纸已经有了一些用武之地——手机中黑白应用软件与“电子书”,如索尼读书器与亚马逊“燃具”(Kindle)。

38、Reinstallation of this sofare solved the pblem.重新安装此软件即解决了问题。

39、See the resoces for information on how to find these.想了解如何获得这些软件,请参考 参考资料。

40、There is no installation required, you simply extract the files fm the zip archive and run AUTOSTITCH.EXE.软件不需要安装,只要从压缩文件中解压出来执行里面 AUTOSTITCH.EXE 即可。

41、Other HA sofare solutions are available as well and may be used.还有其他一些 HA 软件解决方案可供使用。

42、As the impetuous dlopment of comr sofare industry and Internet, the sofare piracy and cracking which is aiming at sofare are running rampantly.随着计算机软件业和互联网迅猛发展,针对软件盗版与破解也随之泛滥起来。

43、I will then use this new filtered nt reader to parse the document.接下来我使用这个新事件过滤阅读器解析文档。

44、Article34. Sofare copyght diss may be mediated.第三十四条 软件著作权侵权纠纷可以调解,调解不成或者调解达成协议后一方反悔,可以向起诉。

45、Strenen the understanding, and intercommunication in sofare industry beeen China and Ameca.进一步加强了中美软件业了解、沟通和交流。

46、Time synchnization that is key technolo of digital demodulation is cc allied by sofare.对数字解调中关键时间同步采用软件实现。

47、This includes installing and maintaining the pper sofare and/or hardware to implement the solution.其中包括安装和适当软件和/或硬件来实现这一解决方案。

48、Read the paragraphs below to learn how the mail is delivered.信 件 流 程读下列段落了解信流程。

49、Yo intended recipients will be able to unscramble it with ease.您预期收件人将能够轻松地解读它。

50、Len: One of the standard views for documenting sofare architectes is the module decomposition view.Len:一个标准视图软件架构是模块分解视图。

经典英文句子51:解读软件,51、The former is concerned on sofare for AT89C51 and other hardware which include FSK demodulation circuit soft keyboard circuit and so on.短信处理器由89C51软件和相应硬件组成,包括FSK解调电路、软键盘电路等。

52、Farhana : OK, so, please explain "artly desied sofare" sir!好,那么请解释一下“设计敏捷软件”。

53、Decipheng food labels is tcky business.解读食品标签是一件棘手事情。

54、We dlop sofare to solve pblems.我们软件是为了解决问题。

55、Sofare companies love hing people that like solving hard technical pblems.软件公司爱招募那些喜欢解决技术难题人们。

56、This is another sofare that can be used to decrypt copy-ptected DVD.这是另一个可以被用于解密受版权保护DVD软件。

57、It is known that what sues the tomato garden together with Mioft is the commercial sofare alliance.据了解,与微软一起投诉番茄花园是商业软件联盟。

58、Facts have pved that it increased the pcessing capability and simplifyied the desi of hardware and sofare greatly by using of ARM9 pcessor.通实际当用证亮,ARM9处放器当用大大降上了体解处放才能,繁化了体解软软件设计。

59、In recent years, in order to resolve "sofare is", object-oented component sofare technolo is dloping rapidly.近年来,为解决软件危机,面向对象构件化技术蓬勃发展。

60、This will you to understand the content of the application package.这将有助于您理解应用程序软件包内容。

61、For additional useful information, read this sees of five articles by Jim Amsden about dloping sofare based on -oented architecte (SOA)要了解更多有用,请阅读 Jim Amsden 所写有关基于面向服务体系结构(Service-Oented Architecte,SOA)软件五篇系列文章

62、A Opti Valley sofare outsocing enterpses responsible person explained that the.光谷一家软件外包企业负责人如此解释。

63、Sofare understanding is always the bottleneck of the sofare maintenance pcess, it cost sofare workers quantities of time.软件理解一直是软件阶段瓶颈问题,它需要花费人员大量时间和精力。

、By dlling the first pnciple of understanding, and then the PLC hardware and sofare desi.首先通过对钻床工作原理了解,对PLC硬件和软件进行设计。

65、Concept of the knowledge of pject mament and relative soft wares.了解产品数据知识和常用软件。

66、Managing exceptional situations is important in any sofare solution.异常情况是所有软件解决方案一个重要方面。

67、To read Simon's letter using skimming and scanning skills, and know about Simon's life in the UK.通过略读和跳读Simon信件,了解Simon在英国生活情况。

68、Since then the upload file format will endeavor to the standard that 7zip sofare can extract.以后上传文件格式会尽量以7zip软件所能解压格式为标准。

69、This wizard will you a self-extracting / self-installing package.向导帮助您创建自解压缩/自安装软件包。

70、We can only hope to tackle the pblems in sofare dlopment by acknowledging that sofare is different, and understanding the consequences of these differences.我们只有承认软件是不同,并且理解由此而产生各种差异,才有希望处理好软件中各种问题。

71、Discussion will include micarray and nextgen sequencing applications, and relevant statistical sofare will be demonstrated.讲解将和相关统计软件示范应用相结合。

72、Lieberman has an easy-to-read style where you often forget that you're reading a sofare engineeng book.Lieberman 运用了一种很容易理解方式,在这种方式引导下您经常会忘了您是在阅读一软件工程学书。

73、If you distbute nonfree sofare, or steer people towards it, you will find it hard to say, “Nonfree sofare is an injustice, a social pblem, and we must put an end to it.”假如你把私有软件发布出去,或者诱导人们使用这类软件,你很难跟人们解释说,“私有软件是不公正,它是一种社会顽疾,我们要消灭它。”

74、The ways to solve the them are summazed: sofare and hardware cooperating based methods;解决这些问题途迳主要有:基于软件和硬件协同方法;

75、Jailbreaking with Limera1n: Jailbreak, But Unlockers Beware用Limera1n软件越狱:越狱,但解锁者要当心


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