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关于”感恩节“英子26个,句子主体:Thanksgiving Day。以下是关于感恩节xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:Thanksgiving Day

延后开店: 在血拼,店将在早上十点才会开门,我们许多顾客可能在渡过感恩节过后,才恍恍惚惚地回到家中,又要拖着疲惫身躯前往排队购物。

1、Late openings: On Black Fday, o stores will open at

10 AM in recoition that many of o customers travel home fm relatives in a tryptophan-induced stupor on Thanksgiving.

这样,庆祝宽扎节人们就可以不受圣诞节商业活动影响而感受节气氛。 语境。

2、This way, people who celebrate Kwanzaa can enjoy the spit of the holidays without all the commercial activities of Chstmas.


3、Demonstrate of the fruit of the Spit in yo life, which is "love, joy, peace, longsuffeng, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-contl" (Gal.



4、All sensilla, except sensilla basiconica, occ on the reticulated area of the antennae.


5、Speaking to Reuters, Mr Bwne gave details on the allegations against Mr Strss-Kahn.


6、"It's like a Thanksgiving dinner, " said Apple Dai, a 29-year-old employee at the Beijing office of a Eopean conglomerate. "You're supposed to spend the day with yo family – it's a cultal thing.


7、I'm not just talking about the recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance or the Thanksgiving pageants at school or the fireworks on the Foth of July, as wonderful as those things may be.


8、Sweren: It’s popular becse it tells a self-contained story in 45 minutes.


9、Smart sensor neorking is a new technolo in the field of sensor, and it makes sensor be a joint of the net. So the raw data can be digitally and neorkingly transduced with low difference.


10、I am getting gry just thinking about it.


11、The labeling cells were also found at the sympathetic glion of the neck and chest and infeor mesentec glion;


12、Mr. Woo said he hopes to reach the public at large, not necessaly practicing architects.

感染肺脏坚实、 结节状、五颜六。

13、Infected lungs are firm, nodular and vaegated color.


14、At radio station WJLT in Fort Wayne, Indiana, letters poed in for the Chstmas Wish Con.


15、So it was late on Thanksgiving Eve, as I slept in the bedom of my youth, a familiar hand hesitantly run acss my face to brush the hair fm my forehead.


16、Remember those moments in detail - How did you feel?


17、The match started at a decent rhythm: Milan ted to contl the match, but Empoli counterattacked very quickly.


18、Sensor nodes ute the collected data to the sink node via multi-hop wireless links.


19、In fact, a ugh grasp on traditional English meter to Stns, say, or to Crane, or to Auden or Bishop.


20、Plus: "Fm heart attack after a t and ting breakfast. Hain, tell us ".

21、Oh, that by Divine grace they might be deeply engraven on each of o hearts!哦,巴不得神恩典,这几节圣经能深深地铭刻在我们每一个人心版上!

22、innovative wheel concept desied by Ban Russell comes with airless tires that make cars safer and reduce fuel consumption.布莱恩。拉塞尔设计无空气新概念胎使车驾更安全,更节能。

23、"It was like the Energizer Bunny had some battees put in, " Glass said.格拉斯说:“麦凯恩看上去就像是新装了两节金霸王电池一样,简直是活力十足。

24、We admit o belief in the presence of the Healer in all the chaata of the Pentecostal chch.我们承认属灵医治者在五旬节教会所有属灵恩赐为我们。

25、In the same way that a new puppy is not just for Chstmas, so a loving relationship is not just for Valentine's Day.正如不仅仅是圣诞节时才想到要送一只新小狗一样,一份恩爱关系也不仅仅是在情人节才需要得到关注。

英文句子26:,26、Some people just don't have enough rhythm to boogie.有些人没有足够节奏感跳布吉舞。

27、In the southern hemisphere, where it is winter, swine flu apparently replaces the usual seasonal flu.在南半球,那里处于冬季,猪流感显然取代了通常季节流感。

28、It could be H1N1 or seasonal influenza," says Shoham.这有可能是H1N1或季节流感,”Shoham说。

29、Bing natal, practical, and comfortable, the adjustable backs can be adjusted freely, they are necessary for you.自然素淡,实用充满灵气,富有节奏感,给予您舒适感觉。

30、Though they don't have quite the same taste as traditional cranberes, the high bush vaety is quite tasty when the beres are young and would make a fine replacement at the Thanksgiving table.尽管它们和传统酸果蔓味道不尽相同,高灌木品种酸果蔓却在果实还未成熟时十分美味,在感恩节餐桌上是很棒浆果替代品。

31、The fruit of the Spit is love, joy, peace, longsuffeng , kindness, goodness, faithfulness. —Galatians 「圣灵所结果子,就是仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实。」(加拉太书5章22节)


32、Sensors (detail-oented) vs. Intuitors (conceptually-oented)敏感者(细节导向)与直觉者(概念导向)

33、we all have something to be thankful for. 我们多少都有应该感谢别人地方。

34、Should people continue to be vaccinated against seasonal influenza?人们应该继续接种抵抗季节流感吗?

35、Not to reopen any emotional scars fm Thanksgiving dinner, but an unusual study of an animal social neork suggests that ending up as the butt of unfendly interactions could be in part inheted.别再重新撕开感恩节大餐带来情感伤疤了,不如将目光投向这一不寻常研究吧,它调查动物社交网络,并表明总有些可怜虫做终会成为敌对关系中倒霉一方,而其部分原因由遗传决定。

36、to pay the de of gratitude to whom section action. So that the whole world is full of love.意思是:古人有云:滴水之,当涌泉相报。

37、The article reviews the function of ppoception in maintaining joint stability and the ppoceptive loss and reconstruction of functional joint instability.文综述体感觉在维持关节稳定方面作用,以及能关节不稳体感觉变化和重建意义。

38、On Thsday, Letterman joked that McCain's no-show could sway voters, saying when it is time to cast their ballots, they might think, "I kinda like McCain, but then he did that thing to Dave...."莱特曼为此没少在节目上挖苦他。 在周四节目中,莱特曼又戏称,选民可能因为麦凯恩没来参加节目而犹豫要不要给他投票。

39、Experts beli it spreads in the same way as seasonal flu - thugh coughing and sneezing.专家认为,猪流感和季节流感一样,都是通过咳嗽和嚏传播。

40、He is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-contl… Galatians 他就是仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实、温柔、节制…参见加拉太书



41、This holiday season, the oric farm the Penza Schouler boys own in ral Massachusetts offered 在这节假季节,普罗恩萨·施罗男孩儿在马萨诸塞州乡下有机农场供销 20只自由放养食火。

20 grass-fed, free-range tkeys for sale.

42、We can say, howr, that we expect to have class-based quests in addition to the main story-line quests.我们可以这么说,恩,支线任务可以影响到主线任务乃至主线情节。

43、According to the directional sensing model of the camera-equipped node, a region-division-based distbuted camera coordinative wakeup mechani is pposed.针对相机节点有向感知模型,提出了一种基于感知域划分分布式相机节点协调唤醒机制。

44、Li hit it off with Buffett's ght-hand-man Charlie Munger when they met at a mutual fend's Thanksgiving dinner in 2003, according to a 2010 story in the Wall Street Jonal.根据《华尔街报》(Wall Street Jonal)xx年一篇报道,在参加一位共同朋友举办感恩节宴会上,李路结识了巴菲特得力助手查理•芒格,两人一见如故。

45、Once the Thanksgiving leftovers are long gone, order up a pizza baked on blue corn or green chile crust and topped with fresh vegetables gwn in the bakery's own hydponic garden.在吃完所有感恩节菜品之后,可以订上一款比萨饼,它用米白蓝或绿红椒酥皮烤成、并且表面铺有种自面包店自个水耕花园里新鲜蔬菜。

46、He omitted the details and focused on Bns' attitude towards Snape and Sius.他省略了很多细节,而把重点放在了博恩斯对小天狼星和斯内普态度上。

47、People interested in the above article What Is Sarcoidosis ?“感兴趣人以上文章”什么是结节病?

48、Don't omit sensory details and a bit of color.不要忽略感官细节,注意生动。

49、to pay the de of gratitude to whom section action. So that the whole world is full of love.意思是:古人有云:滴水之,当涌泉相626164757a6864616fe59b9ee7ad9431333335343331报。

50、But she is unwilling to sacfice the chaty work, which she belis may be Derek's legacy, the answer to the questions she has been asking herself since his diaosis on Thanksgiving Day in 2004.尽管这样,她已让不愿放弃慈善工作,因为她深信这将会成为Derek遗产,这也可能是xx年感恩节她接到Derek诊断书以来不断发出疑问答案。

经典英文句子51:感恩节,51、The sensitivity and specificity of MRI were % and 75% for detecting glenolabrum abnormalities, and 78% and 88% for detecting labrum tear in anteor recrent dislocation of the shoulder.诊断关节盂唇异常敏感为 % ,特异为75 % ,诊断关节盂唇撕裂敏感78% ,特异为88%。

52、"Ten to 15% is about the average for all seasonal employers, " says Shawn Boyer.“百分之十到十五对于所有圣诞节临时工来说只是个平均数,”肖恩•波伊尔说。

53、Overeating might be csing some of these digestive pains, but there are sral other meases you can take to avoid a post-Thanksgiving belly as well as yo body break down the fatty meal.过度饮食可能会出现诸如此类消化不良痛苦,如果你不想落下大腹便便感恩节“后遗症”,这里有一些可以帮助你消化油腻大餐有效措施。

54、We will fther refine the and pay attention to the details to move guests.我们还要将服务更加精细化,关注细节,从细节上面感动客户。

55、No rhythm at all. No sense of cock whatsor.没有节奏。 一点感觉都没有。

56、Acceptance of that pace reminds us of other rhythms beyond the sounds of o own heartbeats, teaches us about the flow of an idea, the pace of a good story, the preciousness of time. I paid attention.接受这一节拍使我们得以感知自己心跳之外其他节奏,感受思维流动、一个好故事节拍、时间宝贵。

57、The sympathetic postglionic neons of spleen were concentrated in the left upper region of celiac-supeor mesentec glion;支配脾交感节后神经元集中区位于该节左侧上部;

58、But presented the anxious matter in this crucial point, that is the kopeck - Bryant's health.但就在这个节骨眼上出现了让人担忧事情,那就是科比-布莱恩特健康。

59、A soothing delicate unscented amber for use on sensitive, dry or irtated complexions . Men love its calming effects after shaving.用于敏感皮肤,调节肤,带来惬意舒缓感觉。

60、Qulity first, Concerned details, Continuous impvement, Touch customers.品质为先,关注细节,持续改善,感动客户。

61、This year’s seasonal vaccine contains three influenza viruses — one A (H3N2) virus, one regular seasonal A (H1N1) virus unrelated to the swine flu strain and one B virus.今年季节流感疫苗含有三种流感病毒——一种甲型(H3N2)病毒,一种与猪流感毒株无关常规季节甲型(H1N1)病毒,以及一种乙型病毒。

62、In this work, we study the performance of wireless sensor neorks , where the sensor nodes may switch into sleep mode to save ener.在篇论文中,我们研究无线感测器网路之效能,其中感测器节点可切换成为睡眠模式以节省能量。


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