
发布时间:2023-05-30 00:51:24 阅读:55 点赞:0




1、AME (canonical name) -- An alias to an existing host.


2、Somebody has scratched his name off the list.


3、Bee you did not si yo plug-ins, they do not have siates.


4、Normally, specialty goods have a brand name or other distinguishing characi.

5、是出名 He is famous as a wter.作为一个作家他是有名气。


6、Nearly three in fo children with disabilities attended school in 2008, compared with about three in five just o years earlier.


7、So some functions have a name, some functions don't have a name.


8、Of those women,

4,603 had ins and 54,183 did not.


9、People used to have a sense of secity, but have a sense of loneliness.


10、The 737 had o pilots, fo flight attendants and 148 passengers.


11、Aund the family customs are different, 56 family, there are 56 kinds of different ethnic culte in China.


12、Some have psued fame and in the end have said, "what's it all for?"


13、Following the most recent elections in 2007, n though

2 women cabinet ministers were appointed out of

20 and only

14 women out of the 124 members of parliament were elected.

DB2 实例名 —— DB2 实例所有者名称

14、DB2 Instance Name - The name of the DB2 Instance owner


15、The Izumi had her naming ceremony and was caleld Izumofor a reason.


16、If yo shares are held in joint names, all joint holders OR the joint holder whose name stands first on o Register of Members should si on this instruction slip in order to be valid.


17、For joint account, please pvide names and numbers of ID Document …


18、A total of 878 patients were randomized to SES (629 men and 249 women), and 870 patients were randomized to BMS (622 men and 248 women).


19、The name. Should a quote, not have the last name unknown, or only has a first name.


20、In 1990 it had 400 employees. It now has aund

3,000, of whom 200 are based in Los Angeles: the headquarters these days are in New York.

21、On the other hand, six states have than 而6个州有20名以上众议员——加州有52名。

20 representatives — California alone has 52.

22、A sname is yo family name.每个人都有姓,有名。

23、Texhong now employs 天虹纺织目前在越南雇有4000名工人,在有1万名。

4,000 workers in Vietnam as well as

10,000 in China.

24、Sometimes, a rap gup has no musicians---just a DJ and one or vocalists.有时,说唱乐队可以没有乐手,只有一名主持人和一名或多名歌手。

25、Thee King had a general called Yang Youchi who is very famous for his archery.国王有位将军名叫杨有持,此人以箭术闻名。

英文句子26:,26、A spsing number of the names on the cards in my box are repeated.我收集所有名片中有很多人名字是重复。

27、O department has 90 teachers, 我们系有90名教师,其中15名是教授。

15 of whom are pfessors.

28、Icelanders (mostly) have no snames, only given-names and patnymi, and use given+patnymic for both sorting and display.冰岛人(多数)没有姓,只有名和父名,称呼和显示都是使用名+父名形式。

29、Howr, the translation of Chinese trademark names into English has not received enough attention as other pper names such as geographical names and human names.可是,同样是作为专有名词,商标名翻译却没有像其他专名如人名、地名那样得到足够重视。

30、I've got lots of famous footballers' tographs .我有许多着名足球运动员亲笔签名。

31、冰岛人(多数)没有姓,只有名和父名,称呼和显示都是使用名+父名形式。Icelanders (mostly) have no snames, only given-names and patnymi, and use given+patnymic for both sorting and display.

32、Two psoners died and another was srely injed by a jailhouse bully.一名"狱霸"致两名在押犯人亡,另有一名严重致残。

33、Please register as soon as possible as is always limited.名额有限,请尽快报名! 请点击下载报名表!

34、The seats are limited, seize the chance!名额有限,请把握机会报名!

35、Among its present 130 staff members, there are 公司现有职工130名,其中高级工程师5名,工程师13名。

5 senior engineers and

13 engineers .

36、Among the eighty torchbearers, fifty are overseas Chinese.八十名火炬手中有五十名是泰国华侨。

37、In 1940, there were 42 workers per retiree, in 1950 there were xx年时,是42名纳税人中有一名退休人员,xx年时有16名,现如今,三名纳税人就有一名退休人员,而在未来xx年中,可能会两名或更少纳税人中就有一名退休人员。

16, today there are

3 and in

20 or 30 years there will be

2 or fewer workers per retiree.

38、The Chinese Academy of Engineeng has 704 academicians, while CAS has 713, including 44 forei academicians.工程院有704名院士、有713名院士,其中包括44名外籍院士。

39、Xiaodong told me that he wanted to be a renowned lawyer.晓东说,他想成为一位著名律师,是很有名很有名那种。

40、The Spanish famously have siestas.西班牙有名地有午休。

41、In Western Society we have at least o official names, a given name and a sname.在西方社会,我们至少有两个正式名字,一个教名还有一个姓氏名。

42、contains a family (inheted) name, as opposed to a given, baptial, or nick name.包含家族(继承)名(姓氏),有别于教名、洗礼名或者绰号。

43、Spaces are limited and will be on first come first serve basis.活动名额有限,报名先到先得。

44、Please register and confirm early as seats are limited.名额有限,请尽早报名。

45、Authoties say that 340 infants are still hospitalized, including 53 who are seously ill, while another 913 are mildly ill.有关部门称,目前仍有留院观察治疗患儿340名,其中53名患儿症状较重,还有913名患儿症状轻微。

46、To wood floors, for example, the floor plate containing the names of a genec name , scientific name , alias, names.以木地板为例,实木地板板材名称有通用名、学名、别名、市场名等。

47、Among 300 staffs, 31 are technologists.现有员工300名,其中技术人员31名。

48、Have fluent English abilities in both speaking and wting.有名校或者名企背景,英语流利者最佳。

49、you know, fm, famous figes of politicians, celebties, and so on and you know.有著名政客,名人等等。

50、The University of California at Berkeley ranks at No. 南加州大学有183名,位列

13 with 193, the University of Southern California ranks at No.

15 with 183, and Tulane University ranks at No.

20 with 163 college sugar babies.




经典英文句子51:有名,51、Use meaningful names sUCh as the pd UCt name or the company name.采用有意义命名空间名,例如产品名称或公司名称。

52、Now there are 36 employees, including 现有职工数十名,其中具有高中级技术职称8名;

8 who possess middle and senior technical titles;

53、There were eln. -There were eln students.1名,-有11名学生。

54、There are aund 大约有两万名学生报名参加考试。

20, 000 students enteng for the exam.

55、But, sophistication isn't what you wear or who you know.有没有教养不是看身上穿名牌或你认识哪些名人

56、拉丁名~gardenia jainoides ellis (ellis可以省略) 英文名有两个 ~gardenia(拉丁名省略) ~cape jain 没有其他省略。

57、The badge shows yo name, the company and yo job title.胸卡上有你名字,公司名和头衔。

58、There are saints, Ming Chen, celebties and other distinguished.又有圣贤、名臣、名人等区分。

59、The next day five new students sied up. The day after that another ten sied up. Within a week the enllment was sky high.第二天,有五名学生来报名。第三天,有十名学生来报名,一周之内来报名人数非常多。

60、Howr, if an attbute name has no prefix, it has no name.但是,如果属名称没有前缀,它就没有名称空间。

61、Pper nouns—the names of people, places, and things—are good.专有名称是最好选择,如人名、地名、事物等。

62、Squads consisted of five to sn commandos and a sergeant, and sometimes an officer or a medic.海军突击队小队通常由5到7名士兵和一名士官组成,有时配有一名军官或一名医务兵。

63、According to Baidu news, among the electcian who have been called in, 356 of them are fm Anhui, while 328 fm Fujina and 254 fm Jiangsu.新闻资料显示,奉召进京电工中,安徽省有356名,福建省有328名,江苏省有254名。

、Names of clans, empers and places in Ode to Shang are found in oracle bone inscptions;今考甲骨文中有《商颂》所提到族名、王名与地名;

65、Results: A total of 82 patients were included, 77 with ischemic stke and 结果:研究共纳入82名患者,77名有缺血卒中,5名有脑内出血。

5 with intracerebral hemorrhage.

66、A candidate has o vice-presidents.一名候选人有两名副总统。

67、There are staff and nearly students in o college. We tn out about graduates ry year. And than percent of them are employed.我们学校有名教职工,近名学生,每年约有名毕业生,就业率在%以上。

68、Nominated?: No.提名? 没有。

69、Ten soldiers were killed and thirty seously wounded.有十名士兵阵亡, 叁十名重伤。


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