
发布时间:2023-11-06 19:26:49 阅读:48 点赞:0



这如同亲眼目睹一样,令人惊讶不已。 亲历了会让人更加惊讶不已。

1、As amazing as it is to witness, it is n so to expeence.


2、It was absolutely astonishing.


3、An n bigger shock is that Yahoo!


4、"The biggest spse was chmium, " Mr Payne said.


5、Q5: Which nt was the most spsing?


6、And this was really, really shocking.


7、"It was just a stunning expeence," Bada says.

8、yo knowledge of chinese is really spsing.你中文知识丰富得令人惊讶。


9、What a spse! You had yo hair permed?


10、His knowledge of comr is mind-boggle.


11、Tony:Look at this amazing sculpte.


12、That spsed us bee his English was so difficult to understand.


13、A: School-lunch pgrams are shocking.


14、Amazing - it's gone by so quickly.


15、The number of youngsters involved in cme is fghtening .


16、The cost of medical care is stupefyingly high.


17、Harley said “the results are spsingly stng.”


18、This is a spse weekend.

我们一辈小男人, 听过一个令大家艳羡不已传闻。

19、We, little men, had heard a story that made us so jealous.


20、How soul-bewitching is His wondus form!

21、Stunning Stainless Nickel Countertops.令人惊叹镍不锈钢台面。

22、Even so, the results are stunning.即便如此,结果令人震惊。

23、Yo knowledge of Chinese is really spsing.你中文知识丰富得令人惊讶。

24、It's spsing that he shall be so foolish.真令人吃惊,他竟是那么愚蠢。

25、You may find this disconcerting at first.起初,你会觉得这样令人惊惶不安。

英文句子26:,26、A:What a spse!You had yo hair permed?你把头发烫了。 真令人吃惊!

27、These results are stunning.这些结果令人吃惊。

28、Right now, there's something amazing about us.现在,关于我们有些令人吃惊事情。

29、The food industry today is appalling,当今食物产业令人震惊,

30、"The speed is very, very amazing, " Mr. Chang said. "It's spsed me. "常先生说:“速度太快、太令人振奋了。它令我大吃一惊。”

31、But they are amazing anti-hees.但他们是令人惊奇反英雄式人物。

32、What a great spse it is! 这多么令人惊奇啊!

33、Quite stkingly, Socrates is not upset.最令人惊叹是,苏格拉底并不苦恼

34、And the results were shocking.其结果令人震惊。

35、THE election campai was sopofic but the results are startling.竞选活动令人昏昏欲睡,但结果却令人吃惊。

36、Digital maps, once a wondus novelty that started with Google Maps on the desktop, are no longer a mere destination app on mobile devices.数字地图 ,当年令人非常惊艳,最早出现是台式机上谷歌地图。 现在数字地图已经不只是移动设备上目程序了。

37、The sharpness of these lenses are amazing.这些镜头有着令人惊讶清晰度。

38、I mean, Angelina Jolie and Cleopatra?我是指,安吉莉娜·朱莉和埃及艳后,难道不令人激动吗?

39、A spse military attack used the nation fm its lethar.一次令人吃惊军事进攻把全国从昏昏噩噩中惊醒。

40、Other spses people expeenced with this?其他人还有什么令人惊讶经历吗

41、This is a statistic which may spse some.这是一个令一些人惊讶数据。

42、I am amazed how betiful my new colleague is. She is stunning.新来同事令我惊为天人。她实在是美得令人晕眩。

43、This is the most amazing thing.这真很令人惊奇

44、Man 男人

2: She left me breathless and misty-eyed.


45、Their music are amazing and I think it's world-shaking.他们歌曲是令人惊奇,我认为那是震惊世界。

46、The whistled sounds are spsingly complicated and n almost birdlike .吹口哨声音是令人吃惊惊且错综复杂和平稳。

47、The results were "very spsing, " Rosing says.罗辛称,研究结果“非常令人吃惊”。

48、But that is not spsing, either.但这一结果也不令人惊讶。

49、And it is staggengly hard to kill.它是那样难以消灭,真是令人震惊。

50、People are spsed mouth-opened at heang the shocking news.听到这条令人震惊时,人们都惊得张大了嘴巴。

经典英文句子51:令人惊艳,51、This astonishing statement is not as shocking as it might, at first, appear.起先,这种惊人论述并没有如预料中那样令人震惊。

52、People listened with open-mouthed astonishment while the shocking news sank in.但当这条令人震惊传来时,人们听后都惊讶得目瞪口呆。

53、Here's the marvelous thing.最令人惊叹同时也是

54、It's shocking. There's like three or fo floors真令人震惊。有三四层呢。

55、I want to wte earth-shaking articles.我想写出令世人惊叹文章!

56、To have a paralyzing or stupefying effect on.这一悲剧令人惊愕影响。

57、The presence of ice on Mars is not a spse, although the puty and extent of the bued ice sheets is.在火星上存在冰这并不足以令人惊讶,令人惊讶是冰纯度之高和埋藏冰原范围之广。

58、The scale of Cg's alleged espio is startling.钟东凡间谍案规模令人吃惊。

59、Their dissonant harmonies were amazing, too.他们不和谐和声演奏也令人惊叹。

60、Yet, spsingly, the woman uses three meases of flo - a staggeng amount, well over 100 cups!但令人惊讶是那妇人竟用上三斗面粉,即超过一百杯惊人份量!

61、啊! 多么令人惊奇呀!Oh, what a spse!

62、That comes as a big shock.这会很令人震惊。

63、People listened to the shocking news with open-mouthed astonishment.听到这条令人震惊时,人们都惊得张大了嘴巴。

、But other findings were spsing.但是有更令人惊奇其它发现。

65、AIt’s a fantastic piece of architecte.A它确实是一项令人惊叹建筑。

66、Look at these histocal reli here, amazing!看这些历史遗址,真令人惊叹!

67、As someone once said, nothing astounds people .就像有人说,没有什么事能令人异常惊骇。

68、This was definitely a spse, " Diffenbgh said."这确令人吃惊。

69、Spses then will be of the unpleasant vaety.令人惊讶将是其中令人不快“ 小异”。

70、Oceanside Glass Tiles: Recycled and Stunning!奥森塞玻璃砖: 再生和令人惊叹!

71、Oh, what a spse!啊! 多么令人惊奇呀!

72、And that amazing white dog.还有那条只令人惊异白狗。

73、On heang the shocking news, people were spsed mouth-wide-open.听到这条令人震惊时,人们都惊得张大了嘴巴。

74、Amazingly, Gage was not killed.令人惊异是,盖奇没有。

75、"They are amazing animals, " Robison said.“它们是令人惊异动物,”罗宾逊说。

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