
发布时间:2023-05-03 03:56:04 阅读:163 点赞:0




1、How Do Giant Pandas Svive on Bamboo?


2、I'm the Big Fat Panda!


3、Finally, we will go to the Panda House. The famous animals look very honest.


4、Yes, do you know Panda Event?


5、The extinct Panda Water Colo.


6、How much is this toy panda?


7、Papa loves the bamboo juice Mr Panda gives him.


8、When the FedEx Panda Express touches down in Edinbgh on Sunday, Tian Tian and Yang Guang will be the first giant pandas to set foot in Btain for

17 years.


9、Sarah: Are there any pandas in the mountains?


10、Fangfang:What about a toy panda?


11、Almost exclusively, Giant Pandas eat bamboo.


12、The red panda is a chestnut-colored panda with alternating light and dark ngs on the tail.


13、Snakes, pandas, kangaos, squirrels, pangolins.


14、The little cat bear felt itself a bit funny.

黄山大熊猫生态乐园简介黄山大熊猫生态乐园黄山大熊猫生态乐园位于 黄山市休宁县凤凰山南侧,距 黄山市区仅18公里,交通十分便捷。

15、Giant Panda Ecological Park is located in the south of Xiuning Phoenix Mountain, just

18 kilometers fm Huangshan city. The traffic is very convenient.


16、"Both of them are going thugh puberty ght now and are just reaching matity," panda cator Lisa Stns said.


17、Chuang Chuang, a male panda, and Lin Hui, a female panda, both of the China Giant Panda Research Center based in Wolong of Sichuan, will live in Thailand for

10 years.


18、The enemy is a panda.


19、Fo buckets of panda noodles, please.

熊猫馆馆长莉萨·史蒂文斯说:“两只熊猫马上就要由青春 期进入 成年 期了。”

20、Both of them are going thugh puberty ght now and are just reaching matity, " panda cator Lisa Stns said."

21、In the local dialect, giant panda is pnounced as " big hug ".在当地方言中, ﹐ 熊猫发音接近“熊抱”,谐音“ 拥抱”。

22、Let's see the pandas.咱们看看这些熊猫吧。

23、Shesaid: 'Bwn and white pandas have only been seen in the Qinling Mountains. TheQinling Mountain pandas are considered a different sub-species fm those foundin other mountain ranges.她说:“棕白大熊猫只在秦岭山脉被发现过。与其他在其他山脉大熊猫不同,秦岭大熊猫被视为不同亚种。

24、Let's go and see the pandas.让我们去看看熊猫吧!

25、Kung Fu Panda Puzzle, Panda Chinese style and its fends, come to complete them!夫熊猫拼图,风格熊猫和它朋友们,快来完成他们吧!

英文句子26:,26、It's a panda on stilts!大熊猫在踩高跷!

27、Panda:a large black-and-white bear-like animal, eats shoots and leaves.熊猫;一个大黑白像熊动物,吃、开枪、走了。

28、This panda is old and fat.这只大猫熊又老又胖。

29、Chengdu panda base of giant panda museum, together with the base hospital panda research center and a satellite museum for Chinese and forei visitors 成都熊猫基地内大熊猫博物馆,连同基地研究中心和熊猫医院里卫星博物馆,可为 中外游客提供 7000 平方米教育空间。

7,000 square meters of education.

30、Fo is the breeding season for giant pandas in May each year, male female giant panda rare living together.每年xx月份是大熊猫繁殖季节,雄雌大熊猫难得同居在一起。

31、Are there any pandas in the mountains?有许多熊猫在山里吗?。

32、This should be the Panda Lake.这应该就是熊猫海了吧。

33、Complete real silk bcade's book "the panda is stamps for vivid show pandas culte carefully dloped by."全真丝织锦珍藏版邮票册《大熊猫》系为生动展现大熊猫文化精心研制而成。

34、I didn't realise they could move so quickly- I reckon that's the fas I've r seen one move.这没想到熊猫移动速度这么快——我估计这是我见过走得最快熊猫了。

35、Giant pandas have very docile temperaments.大熊猫情很温顺。

36、A panda lives on bamboo leaves.熊猫以吃竹叶为生。

37、So, pandas for instance, like this panda, are notoously cute, and I don't have anything to say about it really.比如说熊猫,像这只熊猫,就是公认可爱,关于这我并没有什么可说

38、We first came to the panda enclose along the path, there is a lovely panda is sleeping.我们顺着小路先来到熊猫馆,有一只可爱小熊猫正在睡觉呢。

39、Xiao Po. My little panda.萧宝。我小大熊猫。

40、To pick a panda or a kitten … tough call.猫熊跟小猫都好可爱喔,真难拿定主意。

41、The pool is full of cool koalas and poor pandas.池子了满满都是冷静无尾熊和可怜猫熊。

42、Little panda, black and white.小熊猫,黑白相间。

43、The 324-day gestation peod bke the present 200-day Guinness record.这只大熊猫324天怀期打破了目前大熊猫200天怀期吉尼斯纪录。

44、house .They like eating bamboos.But sometimes pands eat meat.选我吧辛辛苦苦打

45、On Satday morning, my parents and I go to the zoo, we went to the panda enclose, "look, a mother panda and a baby panda. " I ced loudly.星期六早上,我和去动物园,我们来到了熊猫馆, ,“看,一只熊猫和一只熊猫宝宝。”我大声地叫起来。

46、The panda is kind of cute .这只熊猫有点逗人喜爱。

47、There are o pandas in the zoo . 在动物园里有两只熊猫。

48、China will implant high-tech identification tags into all its captive pandas in an effort to better monitor the population and prnt inbreeding.为了更好监控全国大熊猫数量以及防止熊猫之间同系繁殖,将为所有圈养大熊猫体内植入高科技身份标签。

49、暴躁龙而非可爱熊猫。Fiery rather than cuddly panda.

50、Where can I see giant pandas?( 在哪里我能看到大熊猫?

经典英文句子51:熊猫,51、Let's go see pandas! The news said that o pandas arved at the zoo last week.我们去看熊猫吧!新闻说上个星期有两只熊猫到动物园了。

52、Let's see the pandas first .让我们先看熊猫去吧。

53、The female has reached a fertile age. The zoo is hoping that the male will fertilize her.那只雌熊猫已经到了繁殖年龄,动物园希望雄熊猫能使她。

54、Are there any pandas in the zoo? 动物园里有熊猫吗?

55、Kungfu panda is back in action!夫熊猫回来啦!

56、Lee Pace recently travelled to China's base of Giant Panda Conservation and partook in the Chengdu Giant Panda Nsing Expeence - a. k. a. let Giant Pandas cuddle and climb all over him.李·佩斯最近去大熊猫繁育研究基地,参加了成都大熊猫饲养体验,又称,让大熊猫和他搂搂抱抱,在他身上到处爬。

57、The panda exhibition is the most popular attraction at the Beijing Zoo and crently houses sn of the animals.熊猫展是北京动物园最受欢迎活动,目前有被展览熊猫只有七只。

58、People usually think pandas; koala bears are so cute and art.人们认为熊猫,考拉熊是如此伶俐和聪明。

59、Fiery rather than cuddly panda.暴躁龙而非可爱熊猫。

60、The Chinese researchers ted for panda gunds in forests in Sichuan pvince and marked out 研究人员在省森林中寻找大熊猫巢域,根据和觅食场所标示出

1,116 habitats after finding the animals' faeces and foraging sites.


61、These high forests of bamboo (their pmary food) are cool and wet—just as pandas like it.这些地方生长高高竹树(熊猫最主要食物)既冷又湿,正是熊猫所喜欢。

62、Howr, one area where it is hoped the pandas can get some pvacy is the tunnel running beeen their o encloses.但大熊猫在两个熊猫馆之间隧道里可以享有充分隐私。

63、The annual took the pandas were the breeding season, male, female rare giant pandas living together.每年xx月份是大熊猫繁殖季节,雄、雌大熊猫难得同居在一起。

、When in captivity, pandas typically pduce young than they do in their native habitat.大熊猫在关起来时通常分比在天生栖身地时生下更多小熊猫。

65、Who will join Little Giraffe? Don't know what pandas do? Come into the pandaum to find out.谁会加入小小长颈鹿呢?熊猫们会决定怎样做呢?快来熊猫屋来寻找答案吧!

66、This couple had five cubs ding the 1980s, but none lived than a few days.这对熊猫在上世纪xx年代产下五只熊猫幼崽,但每一只都只存活了几天。

67、Longevity: Due to gous living envinment, wild pandas usually live for only 猫熊一生(生命篇): 野外大猫熊面临严峻环颈通常只能活到xx岁,在圈养状况下大猫熊生命周期大约是25-xx年。

20 years, while pandas in captivity have a longer longevity of 25-30 years.

68、The 发熊猫- 吃午饭休息这是全球最大大熊猫在成都,,保护中心。

3 Fat Pandas - having their lunch break This is the world largest panda conservation center in Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

69、Thee panda a bamboo is the staple food.熊猫一竹子为主食。

70、Are there any pandas in the mountains? 在山里有熊猫吗?

71、Pandas are large, bear-like animals. They live in China.熊猫是一种体形似熊大动物,产于。

72、A giant panda (Ailopoda melanoleuca) yawns in its enclose at the Yuantong Zoo in Kunming, China.在昆明圆通动物园里,一只巨大熊猫(大猫熊属)在它兽舍打着哈欠。


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