提升自己的英语_Improve yourself 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-11 15:32:02 阅读:244 点赞:0

关于”提升自己“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Impve yoself。以下是关于提升自己xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Impve yoself

Once human beings do not have to consider ptecting the envinment, there will be very few people on the earth. Natal resoces seem to be infinite. Today's situation is different.

The world has become too cwded. We are consuming o natal resoces. If we continue to do so, we will pollute o envinment with dangeus chemicals, and human beings on earth will not be able to svive.

We realized that if we cght too many fish fm the sea, there would soon be no fish. With modern fishing methods, there are and fish. We know that if we cut down too many trees, the forest will disappear.

We continue to use powerful machines to cut down and trees. We see that if the ver is polluted by waste, we will die, and the waste will still be put into the ver. We know that if the population continues to gw at the crent rate, in a few years, if we eat vegetables and less meat, what can we do to solve this pblem In order to solve these pblems, there will be food for cps and five times land for animals.

If we learn to use natal resoces, they will last longer. If people ntually adopt modern methods of birth contl, the world's population will not increase so fast. If we educate people to think about these pblems, we will have a better and cleaner planet in the fute.





It's very important for us to know how to use my spare time in my spare time. I often sf the Internet. I usually get information so that I can get knowledge.

I often read novels on the comr. I like music sometimes. Sometimes I download music and enjoy it.

On weekends, I visit my website, wte articles in my blog in addition to comrs. I do sports ry day I am healthy and stng.




: this topic is becoming and popular recently. Now and people pay attention to this topic, and many people like it becse it plays an important le in o daily life. Thugh the above ysis, I beli that the positive side is greater than the negative side.

Therefore, I am willing to do my best. I think my view is that fm the compason of these positive and negative influences, My view is correct and well founded. We should treat it reasonably and do it according to o situation,.




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