
发布时间:2023-02-12 11:56:39 阅读:290 点赞:0

关于”旅游中不诚信现象“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Dishonesty in Toi。以下是关于旅游中不诚信现象考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Dishonesty in Toi

How to deal with uncivilized behaviors in the pcess of toi, such as wting on histocal sites, has been discussed for a long time, or this kind of thing happens frequently in China than in any other country. What can we do to prnt these behaviors? Although we have been advocating the education of toists for many years, in my opinion, the situation is not better than expected, we still need to drum up Encoage the education of toists, but there are some changes. We should not only spread "don't do something", but also explain why it is not cool to si and si rywhere.

On the contrary, we have to feel ashamed. Compang foreiers with us can also increase o consciousness and behavior in public places to witness. ① immoral public behavior.

I remember visiting Beijing subway One morning when I took the Beijing subway, I was in a hry to go to school. When I wanted to buy a ticket, I found many people waiting in fnt of me, but no one was in line. ① immoral behavior in public places csed a sees of pblems.

The most seous one is that it may have a negative impact on o sense of social responsibility. We will continue to iore the ghts and feelings of others On the other hand, we will not be respected one day. Fm the perspective of actual implementation and cost-effectiveness, the reform of this phenomenon is certainly not easy.

I suggest that the society should show fm all aspects that those who do not respect the public interest will be srely punished. Therefore, stngent policies should be formulated to correct this phenomenon as soon as possible. We all expect a world without this.

Everyone has responsibility. Personal responsibility is very important for the construction of a harmonious socialist society. ① unethical public behavior.

② immoral public behavior. ② advocacy. ③ social responsibility.

① immoral behavior in public places. ② implementation. ③ cost benefit.

④ public welfare. ① shang huge responsibility. ② demonstration.



每个人都有责任在适时个人责任对于构建和谐社会至关重要◇①不道德公共行为◇①不道德公共行为②倡导③社会责任感◇①这种公共场合不道德行为②实施③成效益④公益◇①分担巨大责任:② 演示。

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