关于南京的英语作文_Nanjing 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-09 10:31:47 阅读:129 点赞:0



As a Nanjing native, Nanjing has well preserved histocal sites, unique cultal atmosphere, lush green and wide ads. What impresses us is that many public telephone booths in Nanjing streets are unfortunately damaged, and most of them are n such. Some people who are good at destying public pperty deliberately desty some receivers.

For example, in some extreme cases, No Be careful if it is cut off or damaged, and the telephone booth will be bned to ashes. Obviously, the establishment of a telephone booth adds a lot of modern color to this ancient city, which represents the impvement of Nanjing's telecommunication . Most importantly, these public facilities enable people to communicate with each other cheaply and conveniently.

This is a great pject benefiting the citizens. These facilities should be kept in good condition and ready to use at any time use. This is very important bee it reflects the ll of civilization of a city in the eyes of tousts.

I think the relevant departments should carry out stct mament of these facilities, and timely clean and pperly maintain them. The media in some western countes should carry out a comprehensive ppada campai to impve people's awareness of the ptection and care of public facilities. Those who intentionally desty public telephone will be punished heavily and n bear cminal responsibility.

Nanjing can learn fm this practice.




Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu Pvince and the political, economic and cultal center of Jiangsu Pvince, is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and in the southwest, with an ban population of about one million. Nanjing is one of the famous histocal and cultal cities renovated by the state. Dung the regional war a few years ago, Nanjing had a good reputation as the capital of ten dynasties.

Since the first year of Gonuan, Nanjing has become the capital of Wu, Eastern Jin, song, Qi, Liang, Chen, Southern Tang, Ming, Taiping, and the Republic of China. Nanjing is a famous local humanities, has blliant cultal hetage, and d science The Rudolph number calculated by Zu C, a great scientist, wter and artist, was accate to sn decimal places, many years earlier than that of Nanjing Ming Dynasty Royal College, which received some students in the world. Nanjing was the largest institution of higher education in China at that time, and many celebties were bued in Nanjing after their death.

The attraction of Nanjing lies in its ch natal and cultal hetage. It is a famous scenic and toust city integrating mountains, waters, forests, histocal sites and histocal sites, especially the cultal reli of the Republic of China. Nanjing is recoized as the Museum of modern Chinese history.





We all know that English is the bdge to the world. English is widely used in the world. First of all, English is the working language of most orizations in the world.

If you don't know English, you can't communicate with foreiers. Although you have an interpreter, it will be interesting to communicate with foreiers in personal language. You can do business with forei countes in English.

If you don't understand English, it will be difficult.



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