
发布时间:2024-01-17 12:02:48 阅读:55 点赞:0

关于”寻求工作伙伴“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Seek work partners。以下是关于寻求工作伙伴xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Seek work partners

We are often tght not to judge a person by his appearance. After all, in modern society, only real talent is the pmary factor of success. This statement deeply confirms o belief that, just like commodities, they need delicate and special packaging.

We are and aware that a person also needs packaging, especially in job ting. When we look for a job after graduation, we must face the society. Although we have learned enough knowledge and skills to enable us to be competent for this job, we must also Consider o self-image to make a good impression on the interviewer.

If we do, we won't dress like a student. They will say you look like a middle school student. Such comments are very ctical, but it does not mean that we are young and energetic, but we are and immate.

If we want to find a decent and well paid job, we should wear suits or suits that meet o taste, show o mate, calm and self-confident side. We just want to let the interviewer realize this mate, credible , virtue Better than bety, deep bety can't last forr, it's always attractive. Human ability, personal charm and qualifications are still very important to a succesul person.

We still have a long way to go. We need a peod of time to ench o knowledge, accumulate o expeence and impve o personality.





As and companies tend to post vacancies online rather than go to job fairs, most people also like to use the Internet to find jobs. Some people think it is convenient for them becse they can check the basic information of a company at any time. Some people think that online job ting is not good for them, becse there are also some people who will use the Internet to find job information.

In my opinion, the reasons why the disadvantages oueigh the advantages are: first, with the rapid dlopment of the Internet, some people will take advantage of stealing yo personal information. Some types of cyber cmes emerge in endlessly. These cminals often steal the victim's information thugh the Internet Second, you may be cheated by false information on the Internet.

Often job seekers get phone calls and invite them to an interview, but when they get to the place where they are appointed, they find that it's not the same company posted online. To sum up, I don't think it's wise for us to find a job online not only becse yo personal information will be stolen, but also becse you will be cheated.





I am a one-year-old female sopho named Fu Ping. I sincerely invite a forei female college student to join me on a three week tp. My plan is to leave next weekend.

When the summer vacation officially begins, the first stop is Kunming, a world-famous city. With its betiful and mild temperate, we will arve there by train and stay there for a few days. Then we will go to Jinggshan, a former revolutionary base and a natal scenic spot.

We will take a long-distance bus to a port city on the Yangtze River, Then we board a boat downstream to Shanghai so that we can enjoy the betiful scenery of the world's third largest ver. As we all know, Shanghai is the busiest and fas gwing city in China. I want to see its pspety, so I will stay there for about half a week.

There is a famous saying in China: "heaven has paradise, and there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on the earth". So it is necessary to visit these o cities near Shanghai for fo days. O tp will last for three weeks.

I just hope that my travelling companion can share the expenses with me and talk with me in betiful English Become her excellent to guide, becse I major in to guide; if you are interested, please contact me by email or phone.




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