
发布时间:2022-12-06 08:37:15 阅读:144 点赞:0



The deteoration of the envinment makes me feel sad. I think: as the successor in the fute, if we do not understand the composition of the human envinment and the seousness of envinmental pblems, iore the relevant laws and regulations of envinmental ptection, do not enhance envinmental awareness, and realize the responsibility of ptecting the envinment, o lives will be destyed in o hands, and God will srely punish us. Therefore, I am determined to start fm me to care about the envinment and ptect the envinment Ptect the svival of o home, to be a bodyguard to ptect the envinment.




2:环境,Every year, June

5 is world envinment day. Fm this day, the United Nations General Assembly establishes world envinment day to raise global awareness and take actions to ptect nate. The establishment of world envinment day shows people's understanding and attitude towards envinmental issues and expresses the desire of human beings to psue a better envinment.

The theme of this day is all islands and climate change. The slo is to raise yo voice rather than sea ll. This year's slo is "impve envinmental quality and dlop green".

The world envinment day can be held There are many ways to celebrate, such as planting trees, doing some recycling, participating in cleaning campais, and so on. Of cose, people can also do some things, such as going to work by bus instead of pvate car. I beli that if ryone takes envinmental action as a habit, we will make great changes for a better envinmental Festival.




3:环境,Ptecting o envinment ptecting o envinment ptecting o envinment ptecting o envinment is very important no matter where you live, what can you do nd yo neighbors? O responsibility is to keep o envinment clean and tidy. You may ask yoself, "did I pick up some garbage and thw it in the trash can? Have I r collected waste paper or bottles for recycling? I have planted trees or flowers nearby or nearby. "If ryone contbuted to the ptection of the envinment, the world would be betiful.

We have only one earth, but now, the envinment is getting worse. What's worse, there is not enough clean water for people to dnk. In many countes, many people lose their lives becse of water, and people have to cut down trees for a living, so there is nothing to do In order to stop the loss of water, we have polluted the land, the vers and the air, so we have to face and floods and dughts.

It's time for us to do something beneficial to ptect o envinment. We can plant trees and take good care of them. We can save water and ask o parents to do so.

We can not thw any garbage on the gund, We should collect them and recycle them. If we ptect o earth well today, tomorw will be betiful.



标签: 小女孩英文名  留学生英文名  宠物英文名 

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