大一的艰难经历英语演讲稿_Speech on the difficult experience of freshman 3篇

发布时间:2022-07-07 01:39:25 阅读:222 点赞:0

关于”大一艰难经历演讲稿“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Speech on the difficult expeence of freshman。以下是关于大一艰难经历演讲稿高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Speech on the difficult expeence of freshman

College life is very wonderful. The life in the school is full of fresh new teachers, new clasates and new fends nd me. I feel their fendship, bad knowledge and open mind.

The grand library, school buildings and wide playgund are very attractive to me. I am eager to learn a lot of knowledge quickly in high school. I used to be called to run.

I know that I am far behind. In fact, I am far behind I hope to study hard ry day to catch up with the time. You can see that I get up early, exercise hard, go to school for the first time in the ning.

I am a person who leaves the library. The most interesting thing is that I can't speak Mandan. At the beginning, I did a lot of interesting things bee I was fm the south.

When I first walked into the classom, I had a headache bee I couldn't understand what the pfessor was saying. I was in math I have encountered many difficulties in physi and other coses. Although I was good at these sciences before, I still tght myself these coses after class three months later.

The results show that I have overcome all the difficulties and impved my listening and speaking ability. Fast communication is very important for my university life. I study English hard and I have a lot of opportunities to communicate with foreiers I have made fends with many forei teachers and students, fm whom I have learned a lot about forei culte.

The comr om is another place I like to stay. I contact with the outside world thugh the Internet, all the news, advanced science, and information at home and abad.




My dream has come true, I suddenly feel a kind of comfort to my neighbors, I have made up my mind to enter the University, share colorful comr life, but I can not indulge in it's dream, I am in the University, enjoy the ch and colorful life, I no longer need to review the lessons again and again, in the face of the mountain of , ende countless insomnia, is such an eight year older than me Every time I go home for a holiday, I have a dream, that is to make full use of these fo years, graduate with excellent grades, find an ideal job for the fute, and live a relaxed and happy comr life. When I was a child, stoes about college campus life came into my ears fm time to time. Now I am doing it and studying fm heavy high school Coming out of class, watching birds and elling flowers, listening to teachers' lectes, I have no impression of any presse on comr life and my fute plans.

Needless to say, passing the college entrance examination and expeencing comr life is a wonderful life for ry student, bee university life is so betiful, and university life is so betiful. Now I have got it, which I have been looking forward to for a long time, I beli I can keep it reminding myself that I should have a fther plan, that I can wander the path of green trees and grass on the comr, I can sit in a well decorated, air-conditioned classom, and since then, I have mmed in my mind.




How to arrange time University: people have different opinions about how students should spend their school time. Some people think that students should spend their whole school time in academic research. Others say that physical exercise should be a necessary part of ry school.

I personally think ry way has its advantages. If I can make a decision, I should not Yudi chose to be a student. O main task is to concentrate on o study.

We should spend enough time in class, reading books and finishing all kinds of homework. Only by working hard can we get a lot of benefits fm academic study, but I don't think we should spend time ry day. There is a saying that as long as work and no play, art children will become dull.

As a student, we should take part in other meaningful activities besides study. For example, doing physical exercise is a good idea to make o life colorful and beneficial. I still remember the excellent volleyball team I joined a year ago.

As soon as I finished class in the afternoon, I would rush to the playgund, where o teammates met happily, did some warm-up exercises, and then we started playing volleyball, soaked o shirts with sweat, worked hard all day, and how nice it was to stretch o legs and arms, although some people were afraid of doing sports ry day Exercise will disperse their studies. I think if we make full use of o time, we should be good at learning and exercise. Physical exercise can us study effectively.

Therefore, I suggest that students should exercise while studying.





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