英语通知的格式及范文_Notice and 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-11 12:56:46 阅读:140 点赞:0

关于”及“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Notice and。以下是关于及托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Notice and

Today, I'm glad to share with you my view on success. What is success? It's something ryone wants. Sometimes success will be very .

Winning a is success. Getting high marks in the exam is new fends succesully. Even now I stand here and publish my speech.

To some extent, it is succesul. In terms of a person's life, success becomes very complicated It is wealth success, fame and success is a success with high social status. No, I don't think that I beli that success is the realization of people's hopes and ideals.

Nowadays, in modern society, many people are regarded as succesul people and the most obvious feate is money, status is lofty, life is extravat, so most people think success is for this ppose, but the pblem is, if it is true Success, we all know, if we continue to psue, there will always be money, higher status and better conditions ahead, where can we finally satiy the goal? We can see that to achi real success, we must have the inner things, that is, people hope and the realization of ideal. Different people have different opinions on success, becse people have different hopes and ideas, but I beli that ry success is precious to ryone, becse it is not easy to realize, becse in the pcess of o psuit of success, o body and soul are tempted, and we are inspired by the most precious quality of human beings: love, patience, coage and Sense of responsibility is the best wealth, so now I am pud that I have this opportunity to stand here and talk to you. This is my success.

Becse I challenge my hope. Everyone has their own explanation. But I beli that ry success will bng a bghter fute.

So ladies and gentlemen, beli in o hope and beli in oselves We, we can all.




Please note that students fm Canada will visit o school on the morning of May 15. We will warmly welcome them in the meeting om. Then we will hold a party to ask ryone to understand o pgram.

We will take them to visit o school and have lunch together in the school can in the afternoon. Some Canadian students will talk about their school; they leave in the afternoon. We should be polite and fendly to o guests.

thank you.




Dear students, please note that we will hold a sports meeting next Fday. The meeting will be held on the playgund of o school. Anyone who wants to take part in the competition can come fm 6 a.m.

to 6 p.m. We would like to remind you to make se that you can arve on time. Thank you.



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