
发布时间:2023-06-23 01:09:46 阅读:733 点赞:0

关于”我心目中成人士“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The succesul person in my mind。以下是关于我心目中成人士八级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The succesul person in my mind

Li Kaixing's Enlightenment to me is that Li Kaixing, Han nationality, is now the chairman and general of Guangdong Chaozhou Changjiang Industal Gup Co., Ltd. he was born in. In order to avoid Japanese invaders, Hong Kong refugees be to invest in the real estate in Li Ka Shing.

He bought the old Hutchison Whampoa in yingzi mall of "Yangtze River". Li Jiacheng became the first one to buy yingzi fm him Chinese companies, I learned the spit of persrance, gave me a lot of inspiration..




The succesul person in my mind is Lang Lang, who is one of the youngest and most famous pianists of o time. Howr, his success has to pay a pce. When he was a little boy, he spent most of his time practicing playing the piano.

After he was selected to play in a music activity in the United States, his expeence of becoming famous told me that he worked hard In my mind, one of my clasates is a succesul person. Jim is good at both study and sports. He has won many awards in many different competitions, and he is also very willing to others get along well with his clasates.

The success of the teachers comes fm his hard work day and night, Fm his expeence, I understand the meaning of getting something for nothing, and I will try my best to realize my dream.


我心目中成人士我心目中成人士是郎朗,他是我们这个时代最年轻、最著名钢琴家之一,但他成是要付出代价,当他还是个小男孩时候,他大部分时间都在练习弹钢琴,他在一个音乐活动中被选中演奏后成名郎朗经历告诉我,努力工作才能成,机会属于那些做好准备人 我心目中成者 吉姆我一个同学在我心目中是一个成人吉姆在学习和体育两方面都做得很好他在许多不同比赛中赢得了许多奖项,而且他也很乐于助人与同学们相处融洽,老师们成来自于他夜辛勤工作,从他经历中我明白了不劳而获意义,我会尽力实现我梦想。


The rainbow, the pcess and the tder and lightning just appeared after pvoking the war. Behind the success and faile, ryone's efforts and sweat are similar to those of others. My father also had a dream like expeence.

In the dream, he was a succesul man. In the palm sound wrapped with flowers, although he was once a stng man repeatedly defeated, my father told me that he was a grandfather My family is poor. All the tuition fees for school depend on the money to buy ducks to maintain the spng time.

My grandfather goes to the World Expo to buy some ducks. Every morning and ning, my father will feed the ducklings on time. Watching the lovely ducklings gw up, my father is reluctant to give up the soil for ducks and exchange for valuable tuition fees.

Until the age of, my father is like a dream world. Generally, he ends his childhood and starts to make a living. He has to do carpenter's shop ry morning Zhong, my father took sral boxes of grandma with him last night.



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