英语倡议书的格式_proposal 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-18 08:25:24 阅读:179 点赞:0



Dear students, after the terble earthquake, many children were out of school. Some of them were n homeless. Their schools and houses were destyed.

They could only live outdoors. They didn't have enough school supplies and clothes. We all know that ry child has the ght to go to school.

But as a Chinese, they are in tuble now We should do what we can to them. We can raise some money and things for them. We can also wte to encoage them.

I hope they can retn to school as soon as possible with o .




An appeal letter, XX June, XX Dear fends, I am wting to call attention to the crent disasters csed by human activities. As some of you know, in the past few years, floods, dughts, landslides and sandstorms have frequently appeared on o planet, and tsunamis have swept acss Southeast Asia. All these have sounded the alarm bell for and are o joint efforts to save the earth It's time for us to plant as many trees as possible, especially in ad areas.

At the same time, we should stop deforestation. We can save o planet in other ways, such as saving water and using recycled paper. So don't hesitate to implement these meases.

Even if it's a all action that is meaningful to o planet, please join us to ptect it Ptect o planet if you are willing to do anything to save o planet, please start fm the all things nd you. Thank you sincerely, yjs XXX.


一封呼吁信xx月XX,XX xx6xx亲爱朋友们,我写这封信是为了呼吁大家关注人类活动造成当前难,正如你们中一些人所知道,在过去几年里,洪水、旱、山体滑坡和沙尘暴频繁出现在我们星球上,海啸席卷了东南亚,这一切都给人类敲响了警钟,是我们共同努力拯救地球时候了,我们当务之急是尽可能多地植树,特别是在旱地区,同时,我们应该停止大量砍伐,我们可以通过其他方式拯救我们星球例如节约用水和使用再生纸,所以不要犹豫去执行这些措施即使是一个对我们星球有意义小行动请加入我们行动来保护我们星球如果你愿意做些什么来拯救我们星球,请从你身边小事开始谢谢你真诚,YJS XXX。


It is o responsibility to take good care of o envinment, but what can we do to make o envinment betiful. First of all, we must make oselves clean. For example, we must wash o clothes.

When they are dirty, we should not litter, paint on the wall, we can't spit or cut down trees in public. We should plant trees nd o neighbors. We should put rubbish away We have to make o world and betiful.

Don't you think so.



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