
发布时间:2023-07-06 02:37:02 阅读:68 点赞:0

关于”雷锋事迹“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Lei Feng's deeds。以下是关于雷锋事迹xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Lei Feng's deeds

This morning, we heard the head's speech about Le Feng. We were deeply moved by Lei Feng's deeds. We decided to do something good for people bee there was no class this afternoon.

Some of us went to the station square to repair bicycles for passers-by. Some of us went to the orpha nearby to carry coal and wash clothes, and others stayed at school We all worked hard to clean the teacher's office. I didn't get home until six o'clock.

I was as tired as I was. I was full of joy and pde.




Kobe Bryant Kobe Bryant be to make his mark on the basketball cot when he was in high school. His talent on the basketball cot was so stng that high school students all over Philadelphia watched him gw up. The nearly 6-foot-tall snth grader obviously had the backgund and genes to play basketball, bee his father was a former NBA forward, and Joe Bryant was in his father He worked in the ry day, watched videos, played on the playgund, and listened to his father's words.

He was a highly praised recruit. He pved that he had the ability and pfessional ethi to become the next ll star. The scouts noticed that he did not let go Who was disappointed bee when he was a freshman on the college basketball team, he would not immediately become a superstar, although in fact, it was his countless hos of morning training.

He pmoted Kobe's talent in the m. Kobe was better year by year in low Maon's . Soon, when he was in high school, in a middle school, he cast all his talents Enteng a high school physical education class, he played his talent to the extreme in high school, he did not play his talent anywhere in high school, in the history of Pennsylvania scong king, Kobe Bryant's blliant achiments in high school made him become the Charlotte Hornets in the NBA draft's foth choice.




Today, I did a good deed and was praised. When I passed the playgund, I was very happy. I found a exercise book on the gund.

I picked it up and found it was my clasate. So, I bught it to her. When she found her exercise book crazily, she was very excited.

Thank her for having her exercise book again. She said thank me and said I was a little Lei Feng.



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