
发布时间:2024-02-24 03:14:42 阅读:47 点赞:0

关于”我未来生活“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:My fute life。以下是关于我未来生活初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My fute life

My fute days, my fute will be very happy, I have graduated fm college, I will have a stable job, I will have my family, my huand, and a lovely child. I have many ideals in my fute work. I want to be a singer, stand on the stage and sing songs for those I want to be nses, ce diseases and bng health.

For those who I want to be pilots and fly aies in the blue sky People, I want to be a gardener, with a little sweat wateng flowers, let o life always full of green, gw up I want to become a teacher, I will have a lot of students ry day, I will give them a lot of lessons, I will become a teacher has been prepang my cose, I will become a good teacher, I will also become a volunteer in my city, I will many people do a lot of intentions If I can become a teacher, I will contbute to my city and society. They are my forr hope. This will be my fute.

When I am a pmary school teacher, I will have a bght fute. Now I will study hard and prepare for my fute.




I have a lot of imagination about life in the fute. I want to summaze my imagination in o words. The first word is that the fute is fast.

We will have faster transportation now. No matter how far we go, it only takes a short time. With the dlopment of science and technolo, we can travel to the moon, Mars or other places where people can go to live on other planets.

The second word is very convenient becse With the rapid dlopment of o society, a lot of work can be done by comrs or n bots. Many things are fully tomatic. Human beings can complete complex tasks with instructions.

With the dlopment of science and technolo, o lives have changed greatly in the past centy. Many things that could not have happened before have become reality, Therefore, o life will also change, o life rhythm will be greatly accelerated, becse we will many machines to complete o work, many things can be done independently, so people will have time to play, people can freely travel in outer , shuttle can take people far away fm the earth, human may live on other planets And o envinment will be much better than now, becse we have taken some effective meases to ptect the envinment. The earth is still a betiful home for human life in the fute.

I think I will become a doctor, becse at that time I may a lot of people. Children don't have to go to school. They use comrs to study at home.

I also have bots in my home. He may us do a lot of housework, In the fute, we don't need money, becse rything is free. I like the fute life) sports.




In the fute, my fute will be very happy. I have graduated fm university. I will have a stable job.

I will have my family, my huand, and a lovely child. I have many ideals in my fute work. I want to be a singer, stand on the stage and sing for those I want to be nses, ce diseases, bng health to those I want to be pilots, and fly aies in the blue sky Gardener, water the flowers with a little sweat, so that o life will always be full of green.

When I gw up, I want to be a teacher. I will have a lot of students ry day. I will give them a lot of lessons.

I will be a good teacher in the fute. I will also be a volunteer in my city. I will many people do many meaningful things if I am To be a teacher, I will make contbutions to my city and society.

They are my forr hope. This will be my fute. When a pmary school teacher's dream, I will have a bght fute.

Now I will study hard and prepare for my fute.



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