
发布时间:2023-06-15 07:48:37 阅读:983 点赞:0

关于”钢铁是怎样炼成“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:How is steel made。以下是关于钢铁是怎样炼成初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How is steel made

In the summer, I watched how steel was made, and I couldn't feeling that Ostwski, the thor of how steel was made, was born in a working-class family and suffered a lot. When he was old, he joined a party member and was paralyzed due to overwork. After being blind, he moved away fm the hospital bed for nine years.

Howr, at this time, he was not discoaged by unimaginable difficulties, but used pen as a weapon, Taking literate as a new post, he be to struggle and persre, and wte this amazing immortal text. The he Pavel Korchagin d by Ostvsky also inspired millions of readers. Pavel Korchagin, a blind and paralyzed man, is an in willed fend of his own in the face of many obstacles on the ad of life Pl's stren and I were moved by this spit.

If a person is blind, he can't see his fends nd him. He can only live by his ears. He has a will.

How can ordinary people not mention Pl's paralyzed legs, but his left hand can't move Pl is honest. He is still a ager. Bee of justice, he dares to punish the hoolis in the city.

Pl is a art man. Living in pson, he can seize the opportunity to easily make Pl escape fm the clutches of a completely iorant enemy. Howr, after joining the army, he dashed forward with a knife and horse, fully exposed to personal danger and etasy, and killed Pl Qiang In order to continue this war, Pl was great.

He fought with the God of death sral times. Finally, if he wanted to win back his relatives and retn to his comrades to study, we should learn Pl's spit of feang difficulties and studying hard in life Xi Paolo's positive and enterpsing spit, not afraid of setbacks, in labor, we should learn.




2:钢铁是怎样制造,As an avid reader of In Man comi, I was both excited and afraid that the film would fail. Robert Downey was not a big name in Hollywood. He played the le perfectly.

I was deeply impressed by how he portrayed in man so well. Humor plays a good part in the film. The movie is well wtten and the cast is excellent.

What impresses me most is CGI. They are amazing, but they are not enough to let you miss the essence of the movie. Although it is not perfect, in man does not live up to its hype and my expectations as a reader of the comic book o (∩∩).




3:钢铁是怎样炼成,In man is a fictional character, a superhe in a comic book published by Marvel comi. In addition to his wide range of powers and abilities, in man also has an arsenal of weapons that are Tony Stark's favote guns. Repulsion rays (in the palm of the hand) are ener-based weapons that repel objects I like this cartoon character very much.



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