
发布时间:2024-04-14 15:19:52 阅读:10 点赞:0

关于”叶圣陶杯大赛“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Ye Shengtao cup competition。以下是关于叶圣陶杯大赛专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ye Shengtao cup competition

Today is the first day of the new semester. I got up very early and checked my holiday homework before I went to school. I was busy sorting books.

My father came in with a glass of milk in his hand. "Dnk it," the father said to me gently, "I'm too anxious. I don't care if the milk is hot.

I took a sip and ced with the sound of bken glass. "What's the matter?" Father anxiously asked: "you didn't tell me the milk is so hot, I was scalded and blistered", "it's my flt, are you ok?" After confirming that I was not a big deal, my father tned to the kitchen. "There are still some in the kitchen for you.

I'll be back soon." I was very angry with my father. I said, "no, I won't be scalded again." then I put rything I wanted in my bag and wanted to go to school without breakfast. But when I tned nd, I was spsed to find my father was putting the milk It spsed me to po milk fm one cup to another, again and again.

"Don't worry. Skipping breakfast is bad for yo health." My father said with an apologetic ile, "how rude I was just now, and how I regret that I took the cup out of the cup. My father's hand kept dnking it.

How good a father I am.





Recently, I beli that there is no better way for people nd you to talk about football s than the world cup. The comr you tn on is full of information about the or football players. Even if you tn on the TV or read the newspaper, you can't fail to see the information about why the world cup is so popular.

So many people are paying close attention to it. What do you think of the world cup? In my opinion, ryone likes it very much. First of all, there are three kinds of people who make the world cup so hot.

People who are really interested in football will pay special attention to it. The world cup is a football match held beeen ry fo countes. Over the years, you can imagine how good football will be.

How can football lovers not pay attention to it? With the populaty of football, the number of such people can not be underestimated. People who follow the tide also contbute to the spread of the world cup. Some people just want to follow the trend of the world cup.

Gamblers are another reason that can not be iored in addition to watching the excellent performance of football players. As far as the main reason of the world cup is concerned, what I mean by "three cups" is mainly for them An important reason pvided.




(a glass of milk) today is the first day of the new semester. I got up early in the morning and checked my holiday homework before I went to school. When I was busy sorting books, my father came in with a glass of milk in his hand.

"Dnk it up," the father said gently to me, "I'm too anxious. I don't care if the milk is hot. I took a sip and ced with the sound of bken glass Get up.

"What's the matter?" Father anxiously asked: "you didn't tell me the milk is so hot, I was scalded and blistered", "it's my flt, are you ok?" After confirming that I was not a big deal, my father tned to the kitchen. "There are still some in the kitchen for you. I'll be back soon." I was very angry with my father.

I said, "no, I won't be scalded again." then I put rything I wanted in my bag and wanted to go to school without breakfast. But when I tned nd, I was spsed to find my father was putting the milk It spsed me to po milk fm one cup to another, again and again. "Don't worry.

Skipping breakfast is bad for yo health." With an apologetic ile, my father said, "how rude I was just now, and how I regret that I took the cup out of the cup. My father's hand kept dnking it up. What a good father I have.




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