
发布时间:2024-04-10 12:14:10 阅读:33 点赞:0

关于”科技给人带来影响“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The impact of science and technolo on people。以下是关于科技给人带来影响初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The impact of science and technolo on people

The air quality in the capital has deteorated due to heavy fog. Incidence rate of China's air pollution is higher than that of China's arch cminal. Experts worry about particulate matter in the air.

In northern China, the concentration of airborne particulates is relatively high, becse fog may cse vaous diseases, including lung infection and cancer. Even if China can ma to keep the oking rate unchanged thughout the whole country, the incidence of lung cancer is expected to se or last for sral years. Zhong Nanshan, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineeng, said that if no intervention meases are taken, PM is the main cse of og suffocation, and oke will replace oking as the pmary sk factor of lung cancer.

The disastus impact of oke is nothing new, becse in the winter of London, thick oke is mainly csed by seous coal combustion, csing the death of Londoners It pmpted the Btish government to take action to clean up the air, and this effort has been succesul today. In cities, the concentration of PM is siificantly lower than the ll of micgrams per cubic meter.




2:科学技术对人影响,Advertising in o society, China is now full of a large number of commercial advertising and advertising, they first do a lot of important things for the society, first of all, they convey business information. Another use of advertising is to make the public interested in what manufacters want to sell. This is becse advertising has a stng influence, and pfiteers often use all the words they use in advertisements to be charming and attractive, but they are all based on facts.

In order to sell their pducts faster, many businesen use exaggerated, sometimes n deceptive language In fact, his bread is made of bean flo, but he advertises it as white bread. Too much advertising interferes with people's normal life. Every ten minutes, a TV pgram will be interrupted by an advertisement for a few minutes.

What's worse, it will desty good movies and wonderful TV pgrams. Some unscrupulous merchants use dirty pictes to advertise and poison people's hearts. These pblems can not be iored.

The best way to solve these pblems is to make laws to ense that the pducts are completely thentic and healthy. Secondly, as consumers, we must also be alert to advertising. If we try o best to eliminate this ugly phenomenon in society, things will become better.

In this way, advertising can pmote the communication beeen businesen and the public and contbute to the dlopment of the business world.






3:科技给人带来影响,Singing contbutes to the happiness of all the things that make me happy. Singing is what I like to do most. I sing for no special ppose.

In short, I sing for fun. There is no limit to what I sing. As long as it can release my emotion and pass on the pleasant voice to others, it will be satiying and exciting.

There is nothing wng with spreading the joy aund Can you tell me that singing is my second life.



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