
发布时间:2024-02-24 04:03:18 阅读:629 点赞:0

关于”志愿者经历“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Volunteer expeence。以下是关于志愿者经历初三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Volunteer expeence

I heard that volunteers were needed, so I wte to take part in the activity. I want to clean the city park and work in the animal hospital. If I can do it, I will do my best to clean it thoughly, just like working in an animal hospital.

I can the vetenaan take care of the animals. It's always a please for me to get along with animals. I think I have sral advantages to volunteer.

First of all, I am willing to clean up the envinment we rely on. Second, I love animals. Third, I am a very outgoing person.

I will use my spare time to other volunteer activities that I really like, becse they give me a chance to spare no effort to do something meaningful.





2:志愿者体验,I come fm Australia and have studied in Beijing in recent years. I would like to be a volunteer for the Beijing Olympic Games. Becse I am familiar with the culte and history of Beijing, I am confident that I can become an excellent volunteer in different positions, the basic knowledge of the Olympic Games and pvide volunteer in the Sydney Olympic Games.

According to my practice in Sydney Olympic Games, I beli I can be an excellent Olympic volunteer.




3:志愿者经历,I can make them feel at home in Shanghai. What can I do for the World Expo? I am good at English. I can communicate with forei guests fluently, such as taking them to their hotels or visiting places of interest of tousts fm different countes in Shanghai.

I will remember the theme of the Expo and make the city better. What can I do for the Expo? For this wonderful festival, I We all know that the World Expo will be held in Shanghai. We are pud and responsible.

It is said that I will become a volunteer to serve the Expo citizens in sn days,.



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