
发布时间:2023-10-09 02:12:18 阅读:307 点赞:0

关于”写酒店回复“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Wte Hotel reply。以下是关于写酒店回复xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte Hotel reply

Check out, check out receptionist: Hi, you're checking out now. Kane: Yes, I'm sorry. I know we're a few minutes late.

Receptionist: no pblem, check-out time is always busy. Kane: Oh, really, the last hotel we stayed in charged us a late check-out fee. Receptionist: there are no reservations this week, so is rything ok? Kane: the om was nice, the bed was comfortable, and we didn't think of o own refgerator receptionist: I'm glad you like it.

Kane: the kids are disappointed that the pool didn't open this morning, although receptionist: I'm sorry we can't get a cleaner earlier than me. Kane: Well, we had a good time last night receptionist: can you put this on yo credit card? Kane: No, I'll pay in cash. Receptionist: OK, it's dollars in total, including taxes.

Kane: I thought it was dollars. That's what they said when we checked in yesterday. RECEPTIONIST: Yes, but there's an extra om charge on yo bill.

Kane: Oh, I forgot my huand's order I'm sorry for a plate of cornflakes. Receptionist: no pblem. Here's yo change.

I just need to ask you for the om key.




2:写酒店回复,Dear guests, thank you for yo reservation. Jiangxi hotel is committed to pviding you with the highest standard of and pduct quality and psuing excellence. We would be grateful if you could give us some suggestions.

We thank you for yo support and sincerely hope you have a pleasant holiday, general .



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