互联网的利弊英语作文_Advantages and disadvantages of Internet 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-24 01:57:37 阅读:301 点赞:0

关于”互联网利弊“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of Internet。以下是关于互联网利弊雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of Internet

Entertainment is another popular reason why many people download s online, enter chat oms, or just sf the Internet. People have found that there are many s that can be downloaded fm the Internet. Free chat oms are very popular becse users can meet new and interesting people.

In fact, the Internet has been used by people to find lifelong partners. When people go online, there are many things to find, such as music, hobbies, news and . Another popular thing to do on the Internet is to check Watching news almost all local news can get the la sports results thugh the Internet, which may be the most popular news.

Sports competition results are updated on the Internet. The weather is also a popular soce after the . Using the Internet to oain weather on the Internet can let people see the weather radar and weather forecast nd the world, just to name a few For example, the weather information can be oained on the Internet, and online shopping has become a huge success, which is considered to be a huge advantage.

No matter why people shop on the Internet, people can find that on the Internet, people do not n have to leave their homes. Sral companies have raised millions of dollars on the Internet for sales. Today's society is in a peod of technological pspety People can choose to take advantage of this era, or simply let it pass on to them thugh the Internet.

It's a very powerful tool. It has many advantages, but people also need to be very aware of its disadvantages.




With the dlopment of science and technolo, the Internet has become and popular, and people's views on this phenomenon are quite different. Some people think that searching the Internet has many advantages, while others think that searching the Internet has bught many unfavorable factors to human beings. I stand on the side of the former, becse I think its advantages oueigh its disadvantages first of all, the Internet is so magical, many people have It is easy to indulge in it, becse it is a pduct of high technolo.

Many people are very cious about it and want to explore the world on the Internet. It has many attractive things. Many people can't contl themselves.

Some of them may play comr s day and night and iore rything. Some people may pay too much attention to chatting or entertaining themselves on the comr Little ener is devoted to study or work fm this aspect. Howr, the Internet does harm to people's lives.

The Internet enches people's lives, bngs convenience to people, and people can learn a lot, which will make them knowledgeable and impve. People can buy things on the Internet and connect with others, which is very convenient. In general, the advantage of reading online is that I can save a lot of people's time.


随着科学技术发展,互联网变得越来越普及,人们对这一现象看法也大相径庭,有人认为搜索互联网有很多优点,有人则认为搜索互联网给人类带来了很多不利因素,我站在前者一边,因为我认为它优势大于劣势 首先,互联网是如此神奇,很多人都很容易沉迷于它,因为它是高科技产物,很多人对它很好奇,想去探索一下互联网上世界是非常丰富多彩,它有很多吸引人东西,很多人无法控制自己,他们中一些人可能夜玩电脑游戏而忽视了一切,有些人可能过于注重在电脑上聊天或娱乐自己,而很少有精力从这方面投入到学习或工作上,然而互联网却对人们生活造成了危害,互联网丰富了人们生活,给人们带来了便利,人们可以学到很多东西,这将使他们变得更加知识化,并得到提高。人们可以在互联网上购买东西,与他人联系,非常方便,在一般情况下,我在网上阅读好处是可以节省很多人时间。


(Internet) the Internet is very useful for us. The Internet is a very good facility for collecting information. The Internet makes it easy for us to establish social connections.

We can have many fends all over the world and gain a lot of knowledge thugh the Internet. Today, millions of people communicate thugh e-mail, but there are also shortcomings of the Internet. Many neork information may be false, the neork Socialization will weaken o ability to deal with interpersonal relationships in the real world.

The weak may be addicted to online s and online entertainment, thus destying their careers. The loveliness of the Internet is infinite and colorful, but to strenen the mament, we should make good use of it only when we have a pper way to get online.



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