
发布时间:2023-07-01 04:02:57 阅读:148 点赞:0

关于”一些广告消极影响“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Negative effects of some advertisements。以下是关于一些广告消极影响初中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Negative effects of some advertisements

Advertisements on advertisements are very common in o daily life. No matter where you go and what you see, when you look at them, you can easily find that there are many advertisements nd, such as toy advertisements on TV and food advertisements on comrs. There is a saying that ry coin has o sides.

Advertisements bng us great convenience, but at the same time they also bng us A lot of tuble. For example: some food pducers, in order to make pfits, use infeor raw mateals to make food and claim to pvide the best food in their advertisements. People are always deceived, thus harming their interests and health, especially infants.

In order to solve the above pblems, I suggest that people think ice. The most important thing is that the relevant departments should take stct meases or enact laws to specify the Only in this way can we enjoy a safe and relaxed life.




Nowadays, with the dlopment of science and technolo, a large number of fake and shoddy goods appear in the , fm drugs, 3C pducts to edible oil, and seously, these pducts have entered the field of television advertising, they have penetrated into human life, and bad commercial advertising will undouedly bng a lot of side effects to consumers, if the dience beli in false advertising and buy pducts Goods, their pperty and health will be damaged. In addition, fake and shoddy goods are extremely harmful not only to consumers but also to the whole society. It destys the order, reduces the reputation of real merchants and makes such pducts flinch.

The thor thinks that for the government, it should take certain policies and meases on the spot, such as dealing with the TV stations that pay money, punishing and forbidding the manufacters selling fake and shoddy goods Stop the appearance of harmful advertisements to the dience and enhance the ability of discmination. For fake goods, they will not be cheated by false TV advertisements becse they are cheap and convenient. In a word, we need to work together to make the false advertisements disappear in o life.

I will not buy fake goods. I will report them to them at the first time. Now is the time for me to practice what I preach to fight against counterfeits.




Nowadays, there are many false advertisements in the society, which have csed a lot of harm to the society. The harm is mainly manifested in the following aspects: first, exaggerating the function of advertising commodities and misleading consumers; second, some advertisements contain obscene content, csing spitual pollution, which seously damages the reputation of enterpses, becse the stores selling these commodities will be distrusted by consumers, n considered by consumers It's the conspirators of those advertisers. I'm always alert to any advertisement, so I've nr been cheated.

But some people are credulous and easy to be cheated. Therefore, in my opinion, effective meases must be taken to ban false advertisements and ptect the interests of consumers. All advertisements must be stctly examined by relevant departments before they are released.

Those who publish illegal advertisements should be subject to stct examination Sre punishment, o society must put an end to false advertising.



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