
发布时间:2023-01-06 08:59:47 阅读:186 点赞:0

关于”用叙诉校园值“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:On campus duty。以下是关于用叙诉校园值初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:On campus duty

People are shocked by the successive campus fires in recent years. In ry accident, there were seous reports of casualties - houses bned, students killed and pperty destyed. People keep asking, what is the cse of these repeated tragedies? A svey shows that human factors are still the main reason.

For example, three of the fires were csed by students using electc water heaters. As students often unattended water heater, if the water in the bottle is dry and no one nd tn off the power supply, the sk is quite large; in other cases, the fire is also csed by the stove, candles, cigarette ends, etc., if apppate prntive meases are taken, most of these disasters can be prnted, so students should better understand the importance and meases of fire ptection 。 The following three reminders are particularly important for o students: first, learn how to use fire extinguishers, carefully check candles, heaters, stoves and other electcal appliances, make se there is no open fire before leaving the om, do not oke in the dormitory.






2:校园值班,Spng finally came, rything be to gw, trees tned green, the playgund, the fields, the ad, rywhere is grass; spng also came to o school to see, in o teaching building behind, there are some all pear trees, both sides are covered with white flowers, in o school garden, some are yellow, some are red, and some are other flowers, There are many colors of flowers. Look, there are some kites flying in the sky, the spng breeze is blowing the sun, some boys are playing s in the sun, listening, a gup of girls are singing "where is spng", sounds like lark song, all this makes me feel that spng is coming, spng is there, spng is in o school. Boys and girls are like flowers in spng, what a betiful season, what a lovely child.





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