
发布时间:2023-02-20 15:08:17 阅读:143 点赞:0

关于”招募老师“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Recruit teachers。以下是关于招募老师小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Recruit teachers

My name is Bob. I am tall and thin. I am a middle school student.

I hope to be an English teacher this summer vacation. I can speak fluent English. I am good at many sports, such as basketball, football, swimming.

I like children. I beli I can get along well with them.




Dear sir, I am wting to you now, hoping to become a music teacher in Yuying middle school. I have sral reasons to choose fm. First of all, I am good at dancing, singing, playing piano and guitar.

As a gentle woman, I love children very much. I think playing with children is a good thing in my life. Moreover, I can speak fluent English and communicate with children fm England, Ameca, Canada or Singapore.

I look forward to it Yo early reply.




Notice on the recruitment of nses this year, o kindergarten will recruit new nses, aged fm to years old, graduated fm junior high school and high school. They are in good health and have stng oral English and Chinese skills. You can report to the Mament Office of the park, make an appointment for an interview, and receive wages.

In addition to salary, you will also have one month's holiday. According to yo work performance, we will pvide you with some additional benefits and bonus. The registration time will end in o weeks.

If you want to be a nse in o kindergarten in the fute, please register in time.



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