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关于”帮助他人加富有哲学“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Philosophy of ing others。以下是关于帮助他人加富有哲学高二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Philosophy of ing others

If you can live, I hope I can live worse, so I can nr live without you. If one day we can't be together, please put me in yo heart, I will always stay there and pmise me that you will nr forget me, becse if I think you will forget me, I will nr leave. If there is tomorw when we are not together, you must always remember you better than you The letter is braver, stnger than you look, arter than you think, but the most important thing is, n if we are fends, I will confuse you.

You can't stay in the corner of the forest and wait for others to come to you. You have to find them some time. If the person you are talking to doesn't seem to beli it, be patient.

Maybe it's just that he has a little bit of fuzz in his ear, a little considerate and for others Yeah, just becse an animal is big doesn't mean he doesn't have mercy, no matter how big the Tigger looks, remember him and o tiger Roo vers is as kind as he knows this: don't worry, we'll be there one day. If you stand on the bottom rail of the bdge and watch the ver flow slowly under yo feet, you'll suddenly know rything you need to know. Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing.

Don't underestimate the value of things you can't hear. Don't worry. Come in the morning Temporary, you feel a little uncomfortable, don't worry, you may just be a little bit like a "fool" to those uneducated people.

One a is three sticks. You can't disrespect anyone who can spell "Tuesday." n if he misspells it, spelling is not rything. Sometimes spelling Tuesday doesn't mean ting on Tuesday at all.

Before you start looking for it, it's wise to ask others what you're looking for. I used to beli in "forr", but "forr" is great.


如果你能活下去我希望我能活得更糟,所以我永远都不能没有你,如果有一天我们不能在一起,请把我放在你心上,我会一直呆在那里,答应我你永远不会忘记我,因为如果我以为你会忘记我,我永远不会离开如果有明天我们不在一起,你必须永远记住你比你相信更勇敢,比你看起来更坚强,比你想象更聪明,但最重要是,即使我们是朋友,我也会迷惑你你,你不能呆在森林角落里等别人来找你,你得找个时间去找他们如果你谈话人似乎不相信,耐心点也许只是他耳朵里有一小块绒毛,一点点体贴,为别人着想,就因为一个动物很大,这并不意味着他就没有仁慈,不管跳跳跳虎看起来有多大,记住他和RooTigger RooRivers一样善良,都知道这一点:不着急,我们总有一天会到那里,如果你站在桥最下面栏杆上,俯身看着河水在你脚下慢慢地流走,你会突然知道所有需要知道东西,不要低估什么都不做价值,不要轻视那些你听不见东西价值,别担心,当清晨来临时,你感觉有点不舒服,别担心,你可能只是对那些没受过教育人来说有点像个“”,一个a就是三根棍子。你不能不尊重任何一个会拼写“星期二”人,即使他拼错了,但拼写并不是一切。有时候拼写星期二根不算星期二开始狩猎,在你开始寻找它之前,先问问别人你在找什么是明智。



To others is to yoself. "You are the best to others, and you will get the best fm them. The you get, the you mean, the nothing." this is the first time.

The reality is that only those who are willing to others will be respected by others. I beli you have heard the story of this boy. He gave a mother to make him very angry, Maybe he was afraid of punishment.

He ran out of the house and went to the valley and yelled, "I hate you, I hate you." then the valley echoed, "I hate you, I hate you." a child was so scared that he ran home to his mother and said, "there is a kid who sneaks out of the valley and says that he hates his mother. His mother takes him back to the hillside, and he yells" I love you, I love you "just like the mother said He found that there was a good child in the valley who said, "I love you, I love you" life is like an echo, you send it back to what you sow, what you are like, you give harvest, rything will get, as long as you pay, harvest it is useless, only this section, it is the true portrayal of ing others: when we others, we What we give to others is the love of life, as if giving the tree of life to others also awakens readers to a clear soce of love. Love is an inexhstible feeling.

The we give, the happy we are, the stnger we will be. Helping others is not only for dedication and harvest. Helping others is a long cheshed virtue of the Chinese nation, so it also presents a respectable example: Lei Feng They are using their own actions to the people in need, to warm up the social pspety of these people.

A few people do not each other in the pject can not be completed by one person, it needs a lot of cooperation, mutual , mutual encoagement, in order to be in a good position When we others to achi complete success, then you will be old, very happy, very happy to others is happy, others get warmth, he gets happiness is not the sentence " others is to themselves" remember: give is to get.




Porcupine philosophy here is a philosophy fable, called porcupine philosophy. A gup of porcupines are wild boars with long spines. They huddle together for the winter.

When they are old, they have a kind of confusion, that is, they don't know what kind of distance we can use to better separate a little farther order. In winter, it's too cold to borw hot air. We come together, and as soon as we press closer, we all tie each other's thorns After living with each other, they be to keep a distance.

Howr far away they were, they felt cold again, and then they wanted to ask for the warmth of others. They got together again and got ht together. After a long time of running in, the porcupine finally found the distance most like it.

It was the warmth that didn't ht and kept in touch with each other.



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