
发布时间:2024-04-05 00:52:26 阅读:27 点赞:0

关于”对抗空气污染“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Fight air pollution。以下是关于对抗空气污染xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fight air pollution

Once upon a time, human beings did not have to consider ptecting their own envinment. There were very few people on the earth, and natal resoces seemed to be infinite. Today, the situation is different.

The world has become too cwded. We are consuming o natal resoces and polluting o envinment with dangeus chemicals. If we continue to do so, human beings on the earth will not be able to svive.

We realized that if we cght too many fish fm the ocean, there would soon be no fish. With modern fishing methods, and fish are killed. We know that if we cut down too many trees, the forest will disappear.

We continue to use powerful machines to cut down and trees. We see that if the ver is polluted by waste, we will die, and the waste will still be put into the ver. We know that if the population continues to gw at the crent rate, in a few years, if we eat vegetables and less meat, we will not have enough food To solve these pblems, there will be food, five times land for gwing cps than for animals.

O natal resoces will last longer. If people finally use modern methods of birth contl, the world's population will not gw so fast. If we educate people to think about these pblems, we will have a better and cleaner planet in the fute.





How to stop air pollution has become a common concern of governments and people fm all walks of life. Air pollution has csed a sees of envinmental pblems, such as greenhouse effect and greenhouse effect. The destruction of ozone layer and acid rain pose a threat to human svival and health.

Therefore, effective meases should be taken to prnt air pollution. The government must ense the implementation of relevant laws. Those who discharge waste gas into the air without treatment will be punished and accepted by people We need to plant trees to clean the air, not to cut down trees.

As a famous saying goes, it is easier to teach people how to stop air pollution. We need to use public transport and less pvate vehicles. We need to plant trees to clean the air, instead of cutting down trees.

As a famous saying goes, it is easier. Only when the world works together and ryone acts, can human beings succesully stop it Stop air pollution.




Air pollution is one of the main pblems in the modern world. Factoes in modern industal countes need a lot of ener. Cars, trains, aies and buses all need ener.

Almost all of these ener are generated by bning fuel. Some of the waste generated fm combustion remains in the air, csing air pollution. As shown in the cartoon, the situation nd the world is becoming and seous Three people covered their faces with their hands to avoid inhaling toxic gases.

Poisonous gases emitted by factoes, household appliances and cars make people breathe unhealthy. Scientists are looking for ways to stop air pollution, especially in large industal areas and densely populated cities. They are studying new ways to generate electcity to reduce the damage to the envinment.

At the same time, many power plants are being modernized to release less polluting substances. Engineers are trying to desi and locate new power plants to minimize the damage to the envinment. Maybe we still have a long way to go before we can have a "clean" world.

Almost all countes are trying to prnt and contl air pollution. There seems to be no end to what envinmentalists need to do. People will constantly look for new ways to contl pollution.

I would like to make the following suggestions to solve this pblem: first of all, we should apply the most advanced technolo and adopt new ener forms to replace fossil fuels. Clean ener should also be made affordable so that it can be widely accepted. In addition, we should also try to dlop possible means of transportation so that citizens can, in short, get d of their dependence on cars, and it is the responsibility of to restore clean air to the earth.





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