
发布时间:2023-03-31 09:29:44 阅读:142 点赞:0

关于”努力和幸福题目“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The subject of effort and happiness。以下是关于努力和幸福题目考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The subject of effort and happiness

Self confidence whether in school or in work, there are many factors that can a person to succeed in life. If a person is diligent, honest, intelligent, responsible and so on, then he is likely to succeed. But in all the possible charactesti that affect success, I think self-confidence is the most important.

The reasons are as follows: first, when a person has self-confidence Hou, he belis that he can and will succeed, which gives him the coage to try new things. In order to succeed, we must be willing to take some sks. Therefore, it is very important to have self-confidence.

Another reason is that confident people seldom give up when they fail. They will keep trying until they win. The last reason is that confident people are not afraid to show off their achiments.

This is not to say that they should boast. Howr, when their achiments are noticed by others in school or work, they should accept praise gracefully and confidently. In short, they are likely to succeed.

I beli that self-confidence is the most important factor in success. It makes people dare to take sks and try again when they fail Once, when a confident person wins with these abilities, they can easily succeed in school or at work.




There is a saying that people plan things by man, and the result is luck. This sentence reflects the relationship beeen diligence and luck. Although sometimes we work hard, luck occupies an important position.

Unexpected nts prnt us fm succeeding in order to succeed. People work so hard, they beli that they can achi their goals, but lack of luck will prnt them fm achieving their goals, so hard work does not mean giving them directly to people To bng success, they just need to try times. Without luck, they can still achi their goals.

Luck can people get close to success. Without effort, they can't succeed. Efforts and luck make people achi their goals.

But without luck, people can still try times.




In this long joney we call "life", ryone is psuing happiness and has his own interpretation of happiness. An insping idea is that happiness is not without pblems, but with the ability to deal with pblems, which rals the true meaning of happiness. It is not achid by waiting, but can not be achid only thugh efforts.

Life always advances with the emergence of pblems we hope, and we find oselves in tuble, but this does not mean that we are depved of happiness—— There are many examples for us to focus on: people with disabilities who overcome obstacles, patients who fight against diseases, people who realize their dreams, these insping hees, whose lives are absolutely without pblems, but they find happiness by bravely solving pblems. Therefore, it is very important to cultivate the ability to deal with pblems. We need to summon up coage and confidence to face the facts.

At the same time, we need to find effective ways to deal with these pblems. In short, if we remain stng and deal with pblems effectively, there will be no storm in o life that we can not svive. After the storm, happiness will be within o reach.



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