
发布时间:2022-11-09 04:42:59 阅读:76 点赞:0

关于”我第一次“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My first time。以下是关于我第一次xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My first time

There is a quilt and a doll on the bed. There are some books, a telephone and a plant TV on the dressing table. I like watching TV in bed.

I like reading books in bed.




Ding the summer vacation, I went to my grandmother's home in the country. On a sunny morning, a gup of sparws chirped and woke me up. I saw a gup of sparws hopping, singing and playing on the window.

This was the first time I saw so many sparws. I couldn't opening the window and suddenly saw them. A all sparw seemed not to be afraid of me and flew in fm the window Come on, I quickly closed the window, thinking: if it's good to catch him, I'll grab it with my be and chair.

I found a milk box with a hole in it. The sparw thought in the box: I'll put it up. I do it.

At least it's good. It's not hard to find food ry day. It doesn't need to be exposed to the sun and rain ry day.

I feed it well ry day Things, so when it's hot, I will give it a bath ry day. It will feel very happy, very satiied, and like home very much. But I think it is wng: I feed it millet, do not eat it, feed it to dnk water, it is not dnking, but played nd in the box, straightened the box, I think, it's just useless to get to the new house, and then slowly adapt to it.

The next morning, when When I opened the box and saw it, I found the part lying there dead. I asked her grandmother, and I realized that a little sparw couldn't see her fends together sooner or later. She was lonely becse she bke her head and bled to death in order to be free.

What's , I didn't mention that sparw was born and comfortable, becse I was ht by a cute little animal, And I regret it. Well, this is: I made a all mistake.




(first I was at home) last Satday, my father went to work, my mother also went to the bookstore to buy a book, left me at home. I found an extra-ccular book to read first. Reading with enthusia, I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

I was afraid: who can remember my mother said to me in advance: strangers knock on the door, a door can't be opened casually, so I asked loudly on the wng side of the door: who Who can only hear the wng side of the door? Human answer: I asked Dr. Deng to knock on the wng door. I answered loudly in the om: I found the wng door.

The voice of Dr. Deng at the door of the building said I was sorry. I also read o stoes.

Later, I found that the toys were playing. I played all the toys in the toy box, and the toys my mother had not come back to play with were enough. I tned on the TV to watch the pgrams on TV Color, I looked steady, when my mother opened the door to go home, I don't know this is my first time at home alone.



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