春节的英文介绍_Introduction to the Spring Festival 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-26 11:05:30 阅读:112 点赞:0

关于”春节介绍“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Intduction to the Spng Festival。以下是关于春节介绍初一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to the Spng Festival

I like Chinese New Year than any other festival. It's a time for rest and joy. I don't need to study.

I wear clothes and eat good food. I have a good time fm morning to night. I am as happy as a king's Lunar New Year.

It's the most solemn traditional Chinese Folk Festival. The first day of the first lunar month is the Chinese lunar calendar, commonly known as "month", commonly known as "year" and "year", The Spng Festival, with a long history, oginated fm the upcoming memoal activities of generals and soldiers dung the Shang Dynasty. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar was called the new year's day in ancient times.

It was a replica of the emper and the Lantern Festival. It was commonly known as the day of the Republic of China. January of the Gregoan calendar was called New Year's day, and January 1 was called the lunar Spng Festival.

The Spng Festival was coming. People used to call it "agculte" The Chinese New Year is always fm January 1 to February 20. Shortly before the Spng Festival, Chinese people are busy shopping.

They buy vegetables, fish, meat and new clothes. Chinese New Year is the most important festival for Chinese people. For a long time, the history of Chinese new year was pasted on a face.

The meaning of yellow characters on red paper was conveyed word by word. It is similar to the God of wealth when children who are not far away fm home retn home, Hanging cmson lanterns and other family reunion festivals, the family sit nd eating dumplings, using dumplings to symbolize the beginning of January family reunion, nd the new year's kitchen and other ceremonial festivals, children's new year's money, fends, etc.




Firecrackers are set off at the beginning of the first lunar month. Spng Festival is actually the day before the lunar new year. People usually clean their houses thoughly on New Year's Eve and do a lot of shopping.

In the new year and the next few days, people go home to have a sumptuous dinner with the whole family. People often visit relatives and fends to send new year's greetings to each other. Dung the festival, firecrackers can be heard rywhere.

This festival is the most important festival for Chinese people.




Spng Festival, Spng Festival, Chinese New Year are the most important festivals for all of us. Generally speaking, on New Year's Eve, o whole family get together to have a big meal, most likely in February, which lasted for about half a month. There are some customs here.

In order to insist, we give animals a name ry year. Now it is the second year of the pig. Before the Spng Festival, we will have a big cleaning.

At that time, we always get close to each other Visiting relatives door to door, the children are most happy becse they can get a lot of red envelopes fm their parents, grandparents, uncles and nts. It's Chinese New Year. We like it very much.



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