
发布时间:2024-02-02 15:05:50 阅读:116 点赞:0

关于”情绪题目“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Emotional pblems。以下是关于情绪题目八级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Emotional pblems

Life is a joney, we will see different scenery, learn to gw up, no one can always live a relaxed life, they must have expeenced some difficult days, those who can overcome the difficulties will become stnger, and those who can not deal with negative emotions will miss the betiful scenery. In modern life, wise people can find a way to eliminate bad mood. Many people do the same thing ry day, so repeated utine can easily disappoint them.

They think life is meaningful. Why do they have to sit in the office and work all day? Negative emotions make them lose themselves. They need to slow down the pace of life.

Travel is relaxing and forgetting The best way to get upset is to open yo eyes and you find answers. Tracking yo family or fends is also a good way to ease yo bad emotions. We need someone to listen to o support and care.

We will find that the motivation of life is short-lived. If you are not satiied with the status quo, don't be afraid to make changes.




It is not wealth and fame, nor youth and appearance, that accompanies you all yo life, but yo mood or mental state, which contls yo life. In modern times, o emotions are like cars on the highway. The kindness of the neighborhood, the kiss of children, the praise of others are like the warm sun, which makes people relaxed and happy.

If a stranger says rude words, buys fake goods fm the store, or says insulting words in a joke, you will be in a bad mood and lose heart. A good mood makes people happy, energetic and creative. I was in the elevator for an ho and a half, and I had to call for , and ntually I was released, which was very interesting becse I was in a good mood, otherwise I would feel very painful.

Bad mood will make you lose self-confidence, make you less, always think of worry and worry in the heart, we are happy and sad sometimes mood is low, this time we should summon up the coage to change a mood, a good mood will accompany you to the palace of success, to the palace of love, happy mood accompany you to spend a substantial life in life, so, no matter where you go or what you do, you should remember Keep a happy mood.





It is not wealth and fame, nor youth and appearance, that accompanies you all yo life, but yo mood or mental state, which contls yo life. In modern times, o emotions are like cars on the highway. The kindness of the neighborhood, the kiss of children, the praise of others are like the warm sun, which makes people relaxed and happy.

If a stranger says rude words, buys fake goods fm the store, or says insulting words in a joke, you will be in a bad mood and lose heart. A good mood makes people happy, energetic and creative. I was in the elevator for an ho and a half, and I had to call for , and ntually I was released, which was very interesting becse I was in a good mood, otherwise I would feel very painful.

Bad mood will make you lose self-confidence, make you less, always think of worry and worry in the heart, we are happy and sad sometimes mood is low, this time we should summon up the coage to change a mood, a good mood will accompany you to the palace of success, to the palace of love, happy mood accompany you to spend a substantial life in life, so, no matter where you go or what you do, you should remember Keep a happy mood.




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