
发布时间:2023-05-19 13:38:02 阅读:145 点赞:0

关于”一篇单身节“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:A bachelor's Day。以下是关于一篇单身节中考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A bachelor's Day

"I'll wait to see if I can get it later," she said The company started prepang for Sunday months in advance; at its headquarters in Hangzhou, southwest of Shanghai, Alibaba set up lounges for its powerful employees, allowing them to take a break in a nearby hotel om, and then called it "tmall" on tmall.com. In China, pducts range fm clothes, books and fnite to discounts on restaant meals and travel packages, and a car Chinese express companies have employees working on Sundays, including temporary workers hired for holidays. China Daily quoted interest fm the China Express Industry Association, one of China's largest express companies, which plans to equip vehicles on the ad and expand its daily pcessing capacity by% to Ten thousand packages.




Online shopping has become an important part of o daily life. More and people like online shopping, becse they don't have to waste too much time to go to the store to buy goods. Just click the mouse, you can find rything you need.

Most online shoppers are students or young office girls. According to the svey, clothes and home pducts are their shopping list The most popular on the list.




Singles Day Singles Day is the day of November ry year. As the name suggests, this relatively new festival is specially for those who are still living a single life. When I searched for "singles day" on the Internet, I was a little spsed.

In order to find out that China is the only country in the world to set up a celebration day for single people, to learn about this festival, please read "The ogin of Singles Day" an old story: once there were fo single men, living a very bong life, they were not mared, no lovers, or did something exciting, they sat there all day playing mahjong, fm morning to night, in the , no matter who wins, the winning card is always "fo column" (the card shows fo independent flat University culte Singles Day was first celebrated in many universities in Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu Pvince, in the s. It is called "singles day" becse it is made up of fo "ones". After graduation, these college students bng the university tradition into society.

Singles Day is now a special day for all fashionable young people. The main way to celebrate Singles Day is to have dinner with single fends, but it's important that ryone has to pay their own money to show their independence. People also hold "blind date" parties to try to say goodbye to their single life.

In the breakfast creative celebration activities of singles day, singles usually eat fo fed dough sticks (fed dough sticks), representing fo "ones" and one steamed stuffed bun (BUN) Represents the middle point. Many single people choose to say goodbye to their single life on this day. Many people attend "blind date" parties.

Many people choose to get mared on this day. In addition to "one" of the fo dates which means "single", it can also mean "only one". Just like "my only one", some people will use this date and meaning to tell their special people that they are them The only one in my heart.




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