
发布时间:2023-07-16 07:16:41 阅读:55 点赞:0

关于”享受工作“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Enjoy work。以下是关于享受工作考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Enjoy work

Sports are good for us in many ways. When we take part in sports, we have the opportunity to exercise almost all parts of o body. There is no dou that pper and balanced sports activities can make us healthy.

In addition, sports can ench o lives and maintain o mental health thugh participation. Everyone can learn this in the playgund. He not only competes for himself, but also for his team.

Sports teach us to think, cooperate and be optimistic, and how to deal with difficulties. I like sports. I like sports.

I like sports. I think I can get fm sports Get a balanced life, but also get opportunities to get close to nate. Sports really add happiness to my daily life, enjoy sports and enjoy life.





Author: for most thors, the pay is diculously low, n nonexistent, but the tonomy to wte down the content of their own mind obviously bngs happiness special education teacher: if you don't care about money, the job as a special education teacher may be a happy career. Although% of the new teachers leave within five years, they seem to have mad to solve their financial s sales agency pblem.


作者:对大多数作者来说,报酬低得离谱,甚至根不存在,但写下自己心中内容自主显然会带来幸福 特殊教育教师:如果你不在乎钱,作为一个特殊教育教师工作可能是一个快乐职业,尽管有%新教师在xx年内就离开了,但他们似乎已经设法解决了自己金融服务问题。


O situation on earth is very strange, each of us is for a short visit, I don't know why, but sometimes fm the perspective of daily life, we seem to have a ppose. Howr, there is one thing we know that we know that people are here first of all for others, especially for the ile and happiness that o own happiness depends on, but also for the countless unknown souls whose fate is inextcably compassionate with us. One day, I realized how much my own external and internal life is built on my compatots I have to work hard to make myself retn, whether living or dead.

Just as I am tubled by my inner peace, I borw too much money fm other people's work, which is frustrating. Man: to think, fm an objective point of view, about the reason for one's own existence or the meaning of life, is stupid, but ryone does Have their own ideals to guide their own goals and judents. These ideals always in fnt of me and make me full of the joy of life.

These ideals are goodness, bety and truth. The goal of comfort and happiness has nr attracted me. This life is enough for a herd of cattle.




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