
发布时间:2023-02-26 00:12:31 阅读:87 点赞:0

关于”正反观点“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Ps and cons。以下是关于正反观点xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ps and cons

Although the world is dloping faster and faster, there are less and less resoces on the earth. In order to ptect them, we must take meases to save water. Water is the soce of life.

No water, no life. For us, to do a very important thing, not only to ptect dnking water, stop polluting it, but also to make full use of it to save electcity. This is the most important thing.

We can't imagine what life would be like without it. Everyone should try their best to save electcity. When we finish saving the forest, don't forget to tn off the lights or other motors.

They are useful. Please stop logging Using recycled paper to replace o world, green domestic waste can be recycled like cans, paper, bottles and so on, which can save resoces.





In order to understand students' views on weekend (holiday) make-up lessons, a student union conducted a svey on it, and finally got the following results: some students agreed with the mease, they thought that the mease had some advantages, for example, the mease can reduce students' playing time, let students review knowledge that can them impve their performance, but this mease will make teachers feel tired Tired, other students do not agree with this mease, they think it is just a kind of tactical fatigue, violates the time allocation, and wastes time. They also think that it will increase the bden and is not conducive to the dlopment of students' personality.




The sk of bungee jumping is equivalent to dving a fast spnt vehicle with a speed of KM, but theoretically, the pbability of death is only 1 / time. Bungee jumping has sral potential threats to the human body: first, retinal capillaes rupte and cse temporary blindness in the pcess of falling, which can be recovered within a few days. Secondly, the impact on human joints, physical damage, light fracte, limb paralysis, seous cases will cse permanent Third, as bungee jumping is a new sport, many potential sports injies have not been fully studied.

It is likely that other potential injies have not been found and confirmed. In addition, due to lack of maintenance, impper maintenance and debugging of bungee jumping equipment, extension of time in the army, or lack of necessary training and expeence of staff, bungee jumping clubs or companies do not have them We must abide by the necessary safety regulations, n have not oained the legal business qualification, are playing the of life and death, etc., which are the soce of the pile accident. We should fasten the waist ptection belt, fasten the equipment, equipment, hot gloves, hook and other necessary safety inspection, and bungee jumping equipment must be in place.



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