
发布时间:2023-10-31 07:10:41 阅读:35 点赞:0

关于”教授推荐信“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Pfessor's letter of recommendation。以下是关于教授推荐信小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Pfessor's letter of recommendation

Dear sir, I am glad to recommend Mr. Wang Fuping to yo university for postgraduate study. Mr.

Wang has been a research assistant for the National Science Council's pject "the United States and the United Nations financial is: the le of the United States Congress" since September. His main responsibilities include information collection, ysis and translation. He is a young man full of enthusia and enterpsing spit.

He not only learns fast and is good at solving pblems, but also has logical thinking and can effectively yze difficulties. In fact, all the work assied to him has been succesully completed. With his , I have assied him heavy responsibilities, and I can spend time on wting and researching I really think that I am very lucky to have such a capable assistant.

I beli that his diligence, good ability and pleasant personality will ense his academic achiments in the fute. I stngly recommend that he admit you without reservation, researcher Zheng Weiguo, Pfessor of Eupean and Amecan Research Institute.




Dear: I have a good fend. His name is Zhang Ming. He is a middle school student.

He was born in February in Dalian, Liaoning Pvince. He started school when he was sn years old. He studied in Guaning pmary school fm to.

After that, he went to a middle school in Dalian and graduated this summer. His main subjects in school include Chinese, mathemati, English, physi, chemistry and comr. He likes English and comr best.

He is very good. In his spare time, he likes to others.




Dear Mr. or Mr. MadamI, I am a Chinese college student.

I am wting to apply for yo 's degree in comr science and technolo. Now I am studying in Changjiang University, majong in comr science and technolo. I am going to graduate fm this university.

I have been studying hard. Every year, I will win the "National College English competition" and "excellent party members and excellent students" awards. In other words, I have good academic achiments and have done some part-time jobs in my spare time, which has increased my work expeence I have many interests and hobbies in sports.

I passed GRE and TOEFL. I want to know what mateals I need to prepare to study abad, what is the tuition fee, and whether there is any dicule against the students in o country. I look forward to yo timely reply, Zeng Qing.



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