关于读书的英语名言_Famous saying of reading 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-26 11:54:09 阅读:125 点赞:0

关于”读书名言“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Famous saying of reading。以下是关于读书名言高三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Famous saying of reading

Knowledge makes one humble, iorance makes one pud. Learning is the eye of the mind, learning is an endless wisdom, a silent fool. There is a way that a person will nr be old enough to learn a good book is a good fend.




Reading to wisdom is like mnasti to the body. What is the ppose of reading is thugh Zhang Weiping's first study, reading with an open mind, stng enough to pass the ancient and modern science and Technolo Expo. Ouyang Xiu didn't read for three days.

I think the language is bong. Zhu Sshui studies hard ry day. Mao Zedong can see clearly and think clearly.

The knowledge he has, the he is intoxicated with his career. I know that Chuang Tzu's common sense will rarely lead us astray. If we don't think about reading, we will eat.

If we don't understand, polkenon will be indifferent to Zhuge Liang.




Socrates wants to live for the end of the dark, and for the sake of all the others, the easiest thing for us to live is to live without a sword A bird in the hand is better than o in the bush. Heywood a swallow doesn't make a summer pub. A man can lead a horse into the water, but he can't let it dnk.

Heywood can't eat cake and Davis time is money Benjamin Franklin time and tide wait no one Scott no se no thorn ray watch people watch most s Smedley beggars can't choose Heywood first Get yo rabbit first. Thackeray won't come to me unless I go to it. The great men of Moore are always willing to be little R.W.Emerson.


一切为了一个,一个为了所有,其他人活着是为了吃,而我是为了活着而吃苏格拉底,来得容易,去得容易,没有剑爱着他王国赫伯特我们很快就相信我们所渴望乔叟最黑暗时刻是黎明前最漫长一天有尽头豪厄尔生活没有目标就像航海没有罗盘拉斯金一只鸟在手胜过两只在灌木丛海伍德一只燕子不做夏天酒馆一个人可以牵着马到水里,但是他不能让它喝海伍德不能吃蛋糕和戴维斯时间是金钱杰明时间和潮汐等待没有人斯科特没有玫瑰没有荆棘雷看人看大多数比赛斯梅德利乞丐不能选择海伍德首先抓住你兔子萨克雷胜利不会来找我除非我去它摩尔伟大人总是愿意做小R W爱默生。

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